The Ultimate Guide to Dehydrating Food


If you are someone who goes on long trips, especially for backpacking or to explore nature, you know how difficult it is to find a place to eat food that is clean and healthy. Most often than not, travellers end up carrying a lot of sugary and junk food to keep energy levels up during trips as carrying fresh produce that can be cooked is cumbersome and adds an exceptional amount of additional load to the luggage. Dehydrated food is a boon for people at this time. Not only can a lot of dehydrated food products be eaten on its own without additional cooking, food items like dehydrated vegetables and fruits and dehydrated cheese is also nutritious and filling and keeps energy levels high. 


A lot of fresh produce can be dehydrated successfully and preserved for a long period of time. 

Fruits – Bananas, mangoes, kiwi, apples, pineapples, and strawberries are among the fruits that can be dehydrated easily and that retain their taste and nutrients even when dried. 

Vegetables – A host of vegetables including potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, peas, celery, and green beans can be dehydrated and are often used as dried ingredients in cooking. 

Low-fat Meat and Seafood – Meat and fish that are low in fat can be easily dehydrated. The fat in the meat or seafood can lead to easy spoilage and therefore those types of meat and seafood should not be used for dehydration.

Herbs – Almost all herbs can be dehydrated easily and preserved for a very long time. Cilantro, Italian parsley, basil, mint, dill, thyme, rosemary, and oregano are the herbs that are commonly used in the dried form in cooking. 

Sauces – All sauces that are fat, dairy, and egg-free can be used in the dehydrated form. Dehydrated food manufacturers often sell the sauces in containers that are travel-friendly and can be carried easily in backpacks. 

Grains, Rice, and Pasta – Carbohydrates in the form of grains, rice and pasta are an important source of energy and it is important to consume them while travelling, especially on backpacking trips. 


While travelling, it is possible to carry dehydrated food either as dry ingredients which can then be used for cooking meals or as complete dehydrated meals. While it seems easier to have complete meals dehydrated, it requires quite a bit of planning. All the ingredients in the full meal will need to be dehydrated at similar temperatures. Else, it could lead to hardening of some of the ingredients and that could affect taste and texture. Also, very little fat can be used in the entire meal because fat leads to spoilage even after the meal has been dehydrated. 


All dehydrated food does not stay equally well. In the case of dehydrated fruits and vegetables that have been stored in airtight or vacuum sealed containers, they can be safely preserved for six months (for vegetables) to one year (for fruits). Fruit leathers can be stored for up to a year, if kept in the freezer. At room temperature, they stay without spoiling for up to a month. Dehydrated meat also should be consumed within a month if kept at room temperature. If vacuum sealed and frozen, it tends to stay good for up to 6 months. 

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