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NEW DEFENSE: Trump Claims He Took Classified Folders But Not Classified Documents

Donald Trump is trying on a new line of defense for size: he now says that he didn’t actually take classified documents to Mar-a-Lago; rather, he only took folders that had classified markings but didn’t actually contain any classified documents.

“The Fake News Media & Crooked Democrats (That’s been proven!) keep saying I had a “large number of documents” in order to make the Biden Classified Docs look less significant. When I was in the Oval Office, or elsewhere, & “papers” were distributed to groups of people & me, they would often be in a striped paper folder with “Classified” or “Confidential” or another word on them. When the session was over, they would collect the paper(s), but not the folders, & I saved hundreds of them…,” Trump wrote in his first post.

“Remember, these were just ordinary, inexpensive folders with various words printed on them, but they were a “cool” keepsake,” he continued in a second post. “Perhaps the Gestapo took some of these empty folders when they Raided Mar-a-Lago, & counted them as a document, which they are not. It’s also possible that the Trump Hating Marxist Thugs in charge will “plant” documents while they’re in possession of the material. As President, and based on the Presidential Records Act & Socks Case, I did NOTHING WRONG. JOE DID!”

The absurd defense is a nice try by the former president, but with Biden being in hot water himself over classified documents, Trump can probably be confident anyway that he won’t be charged over his handling of classified materials.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. The azus metzach and kfiyas toivo ( a true friend of Israel, rubashkin etc etc ) in ridiculing former president trump is breath taking. Not to mention he is a candidate and is running. He has and always will have a say in a lot of what goes on. Chachomim hizoharu bedivreichem !

  2. Good try but his attorneys have already acknowledged in multiple court filings that there pages with words in these “souvenir” folders and those pages had headers with various classification designations. They have also claimed he mentally had declassified those documents in the empty souvenir folders. Every day and every interview he makes a bigger fool of himself.

  3. He’s provoking them. If they push for a hard core investigation to prove this wrong,Biden looks just as bad. Trump is trying to highlight the hypocrisy, the problem is nobody truly cares, nor will anyone do anything about it.

  4. > Gadolhadorah

    The article clearly quotes Trump as responding to the claim of “large number of documents” with regard to the word “large”. Trump is saying the alleged “large number” probably refers to folders being counted as documents, and not to actual documents. Trump never said he had NO documents what-so-ever.

  5. GDH- all true but he knows that there millions of fools out there who believe every word he says and will support him no matter what he says or does.

  6. Yanky55: Umein. There are millions of fools, including some who acknowledge all the recent meshugaas and growing bonding with Kanye, white supremacists and racists and then make some pathetic excuse such as “what about SMR”? Likewise, there are millions of fools on the left who don’t recognize the sad realities of the current occupant of the oval office. Unclear why America has to deal with such miserable leadership choices.

  7. it makes sense what Trump said (as lomdish as it sounds), because the fbi allowed pictures to be taken and publisized them. that would be the only explanation.

  8. Mike: So the FBI should have taken photos of the classified documents themselves, rather than the file folder covers. That makes perfect sense??

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