INSANITY: San Francisco Wants to Give Black Residents $5 MILLION, Debt Forgiveness, Automatic $97K Income

If you’re a black man living in San Francisco, your life could soon get a whole lot easier. The city’s reparations committee is proposing to pay each longtime black resident $5 million – a proposal that would cost the city at least $50 billion.

“A lump sum payment would compensate the affected population for the decades of harms that they have experienced, and will redress the economic and opportunity losses that Black San Franciscans have endured, collectively, as the result of both intentional decisions and unintended harms perpetuated by City policy,” the draft proposal reads.

The proposal also calls for debt forgiveness for black residents, arguing that they are more likely to have outstanding debts that white people.

“Black households are more likely to hold costlier, riskier debt, and are more likely to have outstanding student loan debt,” the proposal said. “When this is combined with lower household incomes, it can create an inescapable cycle of debt. Eliminating this debt gives Black households an opportunity to build wealth.”

And if that weren’t enough, the plan also says that low-income black households should be given money to raise their income to the city’s median, which is $97,000.

“Racial disparities across all metrics have led to a significant racial wealth gap in the City of San Francisco,” the draft states. “By elevating income to match AMI, Black people can better afford housing and achieve a better quality of life.”

That’s not all. The proposal also calls for investment in San Francisco’s black community, financial education, legal protections of people’s reparations, tax credits, black-owned banks being brought in to manage people’s money, as well as an official apology from the city of San Francisco “for past harms, and commit to making substantial ongoing, systemic and programmatic investments in Black communities to address historical harms.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

26 Responses

  1. Thanks for the heads up! Boy I’m so glad I decided to identify as black! As soon as the law passes I’ll make sure to identify as having lived long term in SF.

  2. That’s it! It’s official! I identify as a black.

    Please deposit the $5m into my account.
    $97k income

    I don’t really have student debt, but I can self identify that I have $250k in student debt to myself.

  3. I actually would love to see this done in San Francisco. Let it be a case study of what happens… though I have my theories.

  4. all the money in the world will not help the blacks. They need to learn what is good and what is bad. They should all read and re read Mishle.

  5. Robin Hood in da Hood. Whoopie, tax money to the untaxed. That money shall go in one direction only (insert trashcan emoji here).

  6. I have just returned from the tattoo parlor, where they tattooed my entire skin into black ebony.
    Later on today, I have a zoom appointment with estate agent in San Francisco, to buy an apartment on Noble Hill, along the route of the famous cable cars
    Too bad Nancy & Paul Pelosi don’t qualify for this scam

  7. “A lump sum payment would compensate the affected population for the decades of harms that they have experienced”…..!?!?

    What about all the Jewish people who have faced Constant abuse, persecution and antisemitism throughout history until today!!! We should get money for all the damage done

  8. What about those of us who identify as “black hats” but progressively have abandoned fur streimlach in favor of Black Borselinos made in a union ship by individuals who self-identify as descendants of avadim b’mitzrayim and have a BLM poster in our frontyard??

  9. Zaltzvasser: “Black households are more likely to hold costlier, riskier debt, and are more likely to have outstanding student loan debt,” the proposal said. “When this is combined with lower household incomes, it can create an inescapable cycle of debt. Eliminating this debt gives Black households an opportunity to build wealth.”

    the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another.

    Sounds like the liberal San Franciscans are the real racists for putting all Black people in the same boat.

  10. Gadol: Do you really have a BLM poster in your yard? If so, please remove this anarchistic, racist, anti-Semitic, and anti-law enforcrment group’s poster at once.

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  12. Black households are more likely to hold costlier, riskier debt, and are more likely to have outstanding student loan debt,” the proposal said. “When this is combined with lower household incomes, it can create an inescapable cycle of debt. Eliminating this debt gives Black households an opportunity to build wealth.

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