New Poll Has DeSantis Defeating Biden in 2024 After Another Shows Him Beating Trump

(AP Photo/Butch Dill, File)

If the presidential election were held today, the victor would be Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a new poll shows, and follows another recent poll which found that DeSantis would defeat Trump in a Republican primary.

A WPA Intelligence survey found that DeSantis currently gets support from 45% of voters compared to 42% for Biden. And while Trump has already announced his 2024 presidential bid and DeSantis has not, a poll last month from USA Today showed the Florida governor with a broad lead over Trump in the GOP primary – 56%% to 33%.

However, if the election were held today and pitted Biden against Donald Trump, the current president would demolish his predecessor 49% to 41%, according to the poll.

Right now, the only point of concern for the DeSantis team is his name recognition. While nearly every respondent to the WPA poll recognized both Trump and Biden, 36% couldn’t name DeSantis when shown a picture of him.

This could, of course, be a good thing for him, as it means he has more time to make his positions known to Americans without their preconceived notions of him getting in the way.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. When it comes to real world elections, for any Republican to win, he probably needs support from all factions of the party. Thus, saying DeSantis can beat Trump is meaningless, unless DeSantis can beat Trump without alienating Trump’s base and in a way that will allow Trump to meaningfully support DeSantis against Biden (or whomever the Democrats nominate).

  2. These 36% who do not know who DeSantis is – who are they voting for? The poll results will not be meaningful until he introduces himself to these 36% and they get an informed opinion.

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