Flatbush Shomrim “Shabbos Patrol” Helps Arrest Two Career Burglars After Home Invasion On Avenue L

Residents in Flatbush are used to seeing marked Flatbush Shomrim vehicles on patrol every Friday night and Yomim Tovim, making sure the streets stay safe. The Shabbos Patrol is manned by armed off-duty and retired NYPD Officers, who work in close coordination with the local Precincts. They are responsible for preventing many crimes, and this Friday night, two major arrests were made.

Sources tell YWN that one of the Shomrim vehicles was flagged down by a homeowner on Ave L & East 27 Street and said a burglar was inside him home. The off-duty NYPD Officer quickly called for NYPD backup as well as another Shomrim vehicle to respond.

Before Shomrim was able to get into the home, the burglar fled on foot, but the off-duty NYPD Officer noticed a van that was parked across the street which didn’t look like it belonged there. As suspected, the van was acting as a “lookout” and was LOADED with stolen goods in the back on the van. Police took the driver into custody.

Meanwhile, the burglar began calling the cell phone of the driver (now in custody) to find out where he was. Police tracked the phone of the burglar after having his phone number, and took him into custody a short while later on Flatbush Avenue.

Flatbush Shomrim Executive Coordinator Bob Moskovitz in a short statement to YWN praised the Shabbos patrol for their hard work every week. “This week it was two arrests, last week they assisted with a Pikuach Nefesh of a young sick child. It’s every single week that our team of professionals work closely with the NYPD in making arrests and keeping the community safe – in many different ways. We are thrilled with the partnership we have with the NYPD, and want to publicly thank the members of our Shabbos patrol”.

The NYPD lauded Flatbush Shomrim in multiple tweets sent out by the Department:

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. It is Good Old Fashioned Detective work putting the pieces of the puzzle togethr, and time for hochul & her bail reform to jump into the lake & get lost for ever & ever.

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