ADL Calls Out NY Times For String Of Anti-Jewish Articles

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has weighed in on the New York Times’ incessant negative coverage of the Orthodox Jewish and Chasidic communities in New York, calling upon the outlet to take into account the fuel it is adding to the exponentially growing antisemitic fire that is already tearing through New York.

“In September 2022, the New York Times published its first investigative piece on the Orthodox Jewish community,” the ADL wrote in a four-part Twitter thread. “It seemed to paint that community with a broad brush, and we issued the below statement because we were concerned about stereotyping that could lead to antisemitism.”

The tweet linked back to a September 21 statement from the ADL which can be read in the screenshot below.

“That concern has only heightened as similar articles appeared,” the ADL continued its thread. “Our partners at @AgudahNews have now counted 12 such articles in the series since then and created a resource called @KnowUS_ for understanding the broader picture.”

This tweet linked to Agudah’s new KnowUs website that provides the unfamiliar with a raw glimpse at Orthodox Jewish and Chasidic lifestyle and culture.

“We commend this and hope that the @NYTimes is reviewing this site which offers important perspective. Given that hate crimes and hate incidents against Jews – particularly Orthodox Jews who are more visibly identifiable — have risen greatly over the past few years… such stereotyping can add fuel to the fire. We ask that that the @nytimes take this into account in their investigative reporting and that the readers of these articles refrain from generalizing about these communities,” the thread ended.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. Should mention that the Times ignored a lot of evidence that contradicted its conclusions and rebuffed attempts to get it to present a more balanced picture.

  2. nice to see the adl take a short excursion from its mission of being the media outlet for the Democrat party in order to highlight some troubling systemic anti-Semitism.

  3. The New York Slimes is a known antisemitic rag. It has a well known reputation as such since burying the news that European Jewry was being annihilated by the Nazis. Ever since they’ve gotten worse.

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