Israel: Health Ministry Warns of Cellular Hazards

yw text2.jpgThe controversy regarding cellular telephones is not new, with cellular companies insisting there is no conclusive evidence regarding fears of health hazards associated with their use.

Some studies however reveal evidence contradicts the position of the cellular providers, but end-users appear unwilling to live without the convenience that only a short number of years ago was nothing more than a Star Trek fantasy, today an integral portion of our lives.

The Health Ministry however has come out with a major warning, one that instructs users to use earphone devices, but those with a cord, not the wireless or Bluetooth variety which do not in anyway reduce harmful emissions.

The warning also urges parents to distance cellular telephones from children, stating the electromagnetic emissions are most likely more harmful to children than adults.

According to Dr. Sigal Sadtski, of the Gertner Institute for Health Policy & Epidermotology, at Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer, moving the cellular telephone away from our heads makes a big difference. As one moves the cellular device away from one’s head, the emissions threatening our health drop significantly.

She points out that regarding adults, studies only began in the 1990s and as a scientist; she is compelled to base her statements on scientific findings, which they now have following the years of study.

Dr. Sadtski adds that regarding studies, they have just received funding to begin a comprehensive study but the warnings issued today are an extrapolation from the facts derived from the adult study. She adds that children in general are more sensitive to harmful exposure of any type, and therefore, the warning regarding cell phones is being issued as a precautionary measure.

Dr. Sadtski also explained that there is a correlation between the side of the body one holds one’s cellular telephone and cancerous growths in the body, more commonly appearing on the same side.

The exposure to harmful emissions also increases in confined spaces such as an elevator, closed vehicle or a train, and one is advised to minimize as much as possible use of the cellular device in those situations.

Dr. Sadtski’s comprehensive study over recent years in the basis for the Health Ministry’s warning, and she has shown statistically there is an increase in cancer in salivary glands linked to cellular use. This is just one example.

The study also reveals that the newer the device, the less emissions – reporting 3rd generation devices have less harmful emissions than older phones. Ironically, the more cellular telephone antennas installed by cellular companies, the less harmful emissions from cellular telephones — a welcome find for cellular telephone providers. It appears the proximity of cellular antennas results in a reduction in the phone’s harmful emissions.

According to Prof. Eyal Fenig MD, chief of the Rabin Medical Center Dept. of Radiology, there is still no comprehensive proof of harm resulting from cellular telephones, adding he feels the warning is more of a prophylactic message so in 20 years, one cannot say “you were not warned” if indeed it is learned the devices are harmful.

“In my opinion, the social ramifications resulting from overuse of the phones results in more damage than health concerns,” stated Dr. Fenig.

The daily Yisrael HaYom newspaper quoting the response of cellular providers reports they plan to do their utmost to continue installing antennas around the country towards reducing cellular emissions and emissions from booster stations. They also will continue complying with recommendations of the World Health Organization, Israel’s Ministry of Health and Ministry of Environmental Affairs.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. American scientists have come to the opposite conclusion. So far, American tort lawyers haven’t seen this as an issue that can earn them money, which in itself suggests that the opponents of cell phone use are using politically motivated “junk science”.

  2. Scientists, American or othewise, are not unanimously in agreement on any one subject. The fact is MRI’s show the side of the head where a cell phone has recently been used to be redder than the other side. IF something about the cell phone, other than pressure on the ear, is causing the redness, science has an obligation to inform, even if research is at the earliest levels. And it is better to err on the side of caution, especially in health matters. Finally, radiological effects on the body, whether concerns about dental X-rays, chest X-rays, computer usage, and even cell phone use, is not exactly in the realm of “junk science”, in my opinion.

  3. The massive number of cancer cases in recent years, occuring only among groups of early adapters of cell phones, is proof that this is a problem. That’s why geeks are dropping dead all over. In countries where cell phones are most widespread, there is a danger of mass depopulation. Indeed, since the introduction of various types of radiation for medicine, communication, etc., the industrial countries have been declining. The streets are empty due to the plague.

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