BIDEN BLUNDER: Sleepy Joe Mistakes Salvation Army Worker for Secret Service Agent [SEE THE VIDEO]

(AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, File)

It took President Joe Biden two years since becoming chief executive to visit the US-Mexico border to see firsthand the crisis he himself made. Perhaps it took so long because they didn’t want him to make a fool of himself, because when he did finally visit, that’s exactly what he did.

In El Paso, Texas, the president spoke to members of the Border Patrol, walked along a section of border wall, and visited a migrants center (without any migrants in sight, of course).

As he walked into the migrants center, a woman told the president, “And here we have the folks from the Salvation Army.”

President Biden walked up to the man and shook his hand.

“I spent some time with the Secret Service in Poland and Ukraine,” Biden told the man.

Right. He also spends time with them every day at the White House.

The confused gentleman did what he could to salvage the conversation, but he couldn’t quite hide his utter bewilderment at the president’s cognitively impaired comment.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. He probably meant I spent time with the Salvation Army in war zones where the Salvation Army helps refugees of war. Slip of the tongue and it can happen to anyone. Our chachomim told us to respect positions of authority and we even have a brocho we make when we see a king so these daily articles ridiculing presidents past and present really make me uncomfortable.

  2. I could not understand the audio.

    We have lots of videos in which Trump mistakenly refers to wealth he inherited from his father as money he earned.

  3. The filthy DemonRats hoisted on the American people, a demented Alzheimer diseased TREASONOUS America hating zombie.
    What an embarrassment for our nation.
    What’s absolutely mind boggling, this treasonous rat still has an approval rating of 40%, tells you a lot about the intelligence of the average American.
    God have mercy on this once great nation

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