SEE THE YWN POLL RESULTS: What Ages Should Bochrim Start Dating?

One of the most commonly cited solutions to solve the shidduch crisis is simple and straightforward: lower the age at which bochurim begin dating. Many people seeking to alleviate the crisis peddle the concept of bochurim dating younger as the salve to heal the litvishe world’s shidduch crisis woes.

However, YWN’s last poll demonstrates that such an idea doesn’t have that much broad support and would thus be difficult to implement. The poll, which had well over 13,000 respondents, found that a 66.7% of people think that bochurim should begin dating anywhere between the ages of 21 and 23. That would suggest that most people are not very “pro” dropping the age significantly.

Notably, just over 20% of respondents said bochurim should begin dating at 23. If a fifth of the mainstream yeshiva community believes that bochurim shouldn’t be dating until 23, there is no practical way of getting enough people onboard the idea of lowering the dating age in any significant way.

Based on this poll, other solutions would have to be found to solve the shidduch crisis.

[yop_poll id=”7″]

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

23 Responses

  1. Are you serious? That is the most convoluted interpretation of data I have ever seen. What the poll states is that 80% of folks believe that boys she be getting married below the age of 23. And over 1/2 the people, 55%, believe that it should be even below the age of 22. So overwhelmingly people are in support of younger age dating. Please read the data without personal bias built in.

  2. Hashem already has all their shidduchim waiting for them and is just waiting for their heartfelt and sincere call wholeheartedly and directly to Hashem for help to send them their zivvug directly from Hashem holding them from 40 days before even being born when Hashem said ploni Ben ploni with get married to plonis bas plonis.

    Just like Hashem is waiting for his loving children klal yisroel together as one loving nation to call out wholeheartedly with serious teshuva and Achdus ASAP begging for the coming of Mashiach speedily in our days bkarov

  3. I have no clue what these people mean. What this poll shows is that most people (over 50%) believe that boys should date 21 and younger. Do the math. If we ascribe any validity to this poll (which in all honesty we shouldn’t), that shows that most of the problem can be solved. Yet these guys harp on the fact that a fifth say 23. Why is that sinificant. Look at the four-fifths, not the one fifth!

  4. They world doesn’t want young 21 and under years old getting married facts! The poll proved it. Anyone can suggest what they want young age is not the solution to getting the world married. You need a different approach !

  5. Almost 15% say that bochorim should start dating at 18 years old.

    Over 21% say that bochorim should start dating by age 19 or younger.

    Over 33% (a third) of the Yidden that responded say that bochorim should start dating by age 20 or younger.

    And a majority of Yidden over 55% say that bochorim should start dating by age 21 or younger.

  6. If 20 percent said 18, 19 we can assume they are chassidish
    The very yeshivish are not on ywn
    Finally we’re you able to vote more than once
    And what percent were people playing around

  7. Just curious – where I live (E”Y) most Litvish yeshivish boys begin dating at 21 – maybe more like 21.5 while many girls postpone dating until they finish their 2-year track in seminary, so they begin dating at 20. The is a much smaller age gap than the typical 23 vs. 19 in the yeshivish crowd in the US. Is there a significant difference in the shidduch crisis in Israel and the US? Of course, there are other factors that can create differences such as the “buying an apartment” issue in Israel placing much heavier financial demands on people with much smaller incomes, and the “Size 2 Syndrome” in the States that you don’t have in E”Y. Nevertheless, the comparison should be SOME indication of the validity (or invalidity) of the Age Gap Theory.


    I have no idea what you mean by calling a kettle anything. All I said is that if you read this poll it clearly states that a full 80% of respondents believe that 23 yrs old is too old. And a majority surprisingly believe that even 22 is too old. Did I make a mistake here?

  9. Joseph,

    Aside from restating the obvious results, now you’re running scared from your ceaseless harping that bachurim must be married by no later than 18?

  10. @GadolHadofi

    It’s hilarious how he sees in the data what he wants, no? I mean looking at it the other way, close to 70% believe that bochurim should get married at 21 or older.

  11. As I and others have mentioned many times here:

    If the girls , who claim to be the victims here, are unwilling to postpone dating by a year or two in order to help balance things out , then it’s not the boys problem or anyone else’s problem either.

    I’m sorry

  12. You cannot conclude anything at all from your deeply flawed and unscientific surveys.
    Designing a survey question that can prove or disprove a hypothesis is not simple. This is a classic example of ‘yeshivish’ education claiming that all wisdom is contained in Torah, but not have the most simple understanding of basic scientific method.

  13. Of course boys should ideally begin dating by the age of 20 or so. Unfortunately, most boys are not as mature as they should be at that age.
    The question is what changes can be made to a system which creates 25 year old “boys”.

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