A driver under the influence of drugs slammed his vehicle into the Chabad of Palm Springs shul, with the vehicle crashing into the bais medrash at the exact spot where the Satmar Rebbe, Rav Aharon Teitelbaum shlit”a, stands by davening during his annual vacation to the town – which is scheduled to begin today.
The accident occurred on Shabbos morning just after davening was over, as Palm Springs’ Chabad shliach and another individual were still in the bais medrash. The errant vehicle caused massive damage to the shul located on East Palm Canyon Drive.
Bichasdei Hashem, no one was injured inside or outside the Shul.
The driver was not seriously injured, but mispalelim were unable to daven in the shul for the remainder of the day, and shalosh seudos had to take place outside.
Rav Aharon shlit”a davens in the Chabad of Palm Springs on weekdays when in the town and has his own minyan on Shabbos.
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21 Responses
B’h the rebbe and everyone else davening at the Chabad center are OK
However, I find it borderline hysterical that the Ahronistas selected a California resort community that has been voted the “Gayest Town in America” for their rebbe’s “vacation”. Palm Springs is the only city in the U.S. where the entire city council (a bisexual woman and a transgender woman and three gay men) along with a gay mayor run the goverment. I has more gay-owned business establishments per capita than any other city in the U.S. Agreed that its probably a better destination this time of year than Fire Island (which is a lot closer) but the optics are a bit strange, even by Satmar standards.
Will such a heinous crime make him rethink his endorsement for hochul and make him realize how lucky he is that this crime was in Florida & not in NYS
Such ignorance!
Palm Springs is in California not Florida.
This was a vehicle accident, not a heinous crime.
Wow. Mofsim. Mamesh heilig.
Do you know that on the exact same spot that I drive every day, a car smashed into another car? Miracle of miracles!
Would someone please buy Mr./Ms. 147 a map and circle Palm Springs.
My guess is Rebbes were vacationing there long before the gays took over the city.
You think for a single solitary second that that’s kept in mind or that anyone even knows about it other than those who have their ears to these sort of ridiculous things? So many rebbes eyc have been going there on vacation for many many many years, far before these wacko alphabet people were around.
Maybe it is a message to him not to daven there any more.
You seem to be a bit of an expert on the local hotspots. Maybe they figure it’s safer, since the odds are that the local woman folk won’t try to temp the men.
Did the Divrei Yoel, R. Joel Teitelbaum, daven at Chabad for an extended period when he went on vacation?
ALL REBBES should have their tefillin and mezuzah checked asap. first, the skverer Rebbe’s gabbai dies in a terrible car crash, and now this?!!?
Efshar azoi
Your 100% right,so many of our gedolim are going through yesurim, it must be their tfilin, My rebbi had some bad indigestion, he needs to get his mezuzos checked too
the actual kiddush Hashem is the Satmar Rov davening at the Chabad house. should be in the headline.
Boy, what a miracle indeed. I’m reminded of a well-known and likely true story about Rav Moshe Bick a”h, the ranking posek of Brooklyn (Boro Park) during the ‘60s and ‘70s. Someone came to ask him a shaaleh, that he had just crossed the street, and suddenly a car crashed into the light pole right where had been standing just seconds before! So should he bentch Goimel?
Rav Bick, who was also known for his dry, piercing sense of humor, replied (in Yiddish), “You know, just yesterday mi wife hung out the laundry to dry on the clothes line, which extended out of a second story window (that’s how they did it in those days lol), and my pants, which were among that batch of laundry, fell off the line into the yard below. Imagine, just yesterday I was wearing those pants!”
“Do you think for a single solitary second that [Palm Springs being so LGBT-focused] was kept in mind or that anyone even knows about it…”
Jersey Jew: Even more impressive that the Rebbe’s not caring about Palm Springs’ reputation as the nation’s “Ultimate Gay Resort Destination” is his long standing minhag to daven with chabad while in town. You are probably aware that there are mulitphere have been Actually, it is to the Rebbe’s credit that he did isn’t changing his travel plans However, you have to be both deaf and blind to not recognize within 5 minutes of landing at PSP that you are at the nation’s “Ultimate Gay Destination”
FrumWhere: My rov told me that we don’t bensch goimel on something that DIDN’T happen.
need a clarification: so, if you crossed the dessert or got out of prison and nothing bad happened there – you don’t bench gomel?
So what was the miracle?
1: That no one was injured.
2: That this happened BEFORE the Rebbe arrived and not awhile he was there.
3: That the Satmer Rebbe davens in a Chabad shul (for those too young to remember the Satmer-led anti-Lubavitch attacks and violence).
@FrumWhere – the story is much older, and is told about Hershele Ostropolier who came to shul one day and asked to bentch Gomel. When asked why he said “I passed the river and watched my wife washing my shirt, beating it over and over, and thought to myself: isn’t it a miracle that I’m not wearing that shirt right now”…
Frumwhere: I benched gomel on my return last month from (what was for me) a fairly challenging two week hiking trip in Patagonia. Was that a bracha l’vtalah given that my rationale was that I did not fall off one of the many cliffs we traversed on the trip?
Vacation mamash in the middle of the z’man? Where did this come from? There were no vacations in the alte heim!