STUNNING: Biden Compares Illegal Immigrants to Jews Fleeing Nazi Germany [SEE THE VIDEO]

President Joe Biden made a dramatic comparison on Thursday, equating the plight of migrants attempting to illegally enter the United States with Jewish refugees who were fleeing the Nazis’ persecution of them.

A reporter asked Biden whether he views migration as a human right, to which the president replied, “Well I think it is a human right if your family is being persecuted. I thought it was a human right for, you know, Jews in Germany to be able to go… escape and get help where they could.”

Standing beside Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris nodded in enthusiastic approval.


The comparison earned Biden some withering criticism on social media.

“Comparing Haitians leaving Haiti or Nicaraguans leaving Nicaragua to Jews fleeing violent extermination from Nazi Germany is both an outrageous minimization of the Holocaust and a vile slander of Latin American nations,” wrote former Trump adviser Stephen Miller. “Biden will say or do anything to expand illegal immigration.”

“Biden just compared illegal aliens—lawbreakers who have been found to be terrorists, drug dealers, and bad actors—to Jews fleeing Germany during the Holocaust. Not even remotely the same situation. This kind of mindset prevents us from legitimately securing our border,” Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona tweeted.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

17 Responses

  1. Biden said that the Latin American immigrants would have a legal right to come to the US when they escaped for similar persecution as the Jews from the Nazis which indicates that they are not the same.

  2. Our President said and I quote, “Escape and get help where they could”.
    My question to our dear President:
    They did escape and they did try to get help when they came very close to the USA borders.
    How come your old friends forced those ships to go right back to Germany?????????????????

  3. Biden says, if your family is being persecuted. He did not say as your family is being persecuted. This indicates that currently they are not being persecuted, therefore it is not a human right because it is not similar to the escape of the nazis where the family was persecuted.

  4. To (Reb?) Eliezer: First of all does Biden know English? (He bearly knows his own name!) But anyway all those commenting definitely (or so it seems) know English. It is simply injustice to all immigrants who fled Europe to compare them to illegal criminals sneaking over our border. If they’re so kosher let them enter through proper screening.

  5. “Reb” Eliezer.


    You study and defend the words of Sleepy Joe like – L’havdil Elef Alfei Havdalos – an Achron defending a Rishon.

    I pray I am not consuming the same drinking water as you.

  6. this evil Biden isn’t blessed in this domain of intellect he is a Nazi and evil man and a thief…it isn’t his presidency and look at the pathetic evil ways of his children….we have to read think and feel the horror of what comes from this evil man’s mouth…this is christianity at its best

  7. Only a demented alzheimer diseased zombie, with the brains of a rabies infected sewer rat would dare to make such a comparison.
    What a shame and disgrace this treasonous DemonRat brings on our nation.

  8. I hate that the libbies are affecting us like this. Stop being woke and dumb. Nothing wrong with what he said. His only crime was that it was stupid, because he should’ve remembered that everyone is lib and dumb.

  9. A large number are refugees from left wing (i.e. communist, or at least socialist authoritarian) regimes from places such as Cuba and Venezuela. They are coming to America for the freedom that Biden’s WOKE allies insist does not exist. They will tend to be economic, social and political conservatives.

  10. And the Jews fleeing Germany i.e. Auschwitz were denied entry…
    Not only this, US, Britain and most of all the Zionists thwarted any rescue efforts…

  11. 1. Sadly the US / FDR, Mr. Breckinridge Long were not saving too many Jews from sure deaths in WW2. The most active in saving Hews were such frum groups like Agudah (and right wing Zionists vs lefty Kazstner & Co.)

    2. Most todays’s migrants are economical ones. Despite using “asylum” rehearsal answers.

    3. Even those (in the tiny minority among the millions) who are persecuted, most of them are not escaping sure deaths as in WW2.

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