“PACK IT IN!”: Sean Hannity and Lauren Boebert Get Into Heated Exchange Over McCarthy Vote [SEE THE VIDEO]

Fox News host Sean Hannity had Rep. Lauren Boebert on his show Wednesday night in a contentious interview in which they battled over the latter’s refusal to support Kevin McCarthy for House Speaker.

Boebert earlier Wednesday urged former President Trump to tell McCarthy to drop out because, with 20 Republicans consistently voting against him, he should get out of the way.

“Let me turn the tables, congresswoman,” Hannity said. “Kevin McCarthy has 202–3 votes. Your side has 20. So, if I’m gonna use your words, and your methodology, and your math, isn’t it time for you to pack it in and your side to pack it in considering he has over 200 and you have 20?”

“Sean, I understand the frustration, I promise you, But he–,” Boebert said before Hannity interjected that she wasn’t answering the question.

“And we are hearing–” Boebert continued as Hannity insisted he wasn’t frustrated, “from many people who are still voting with Kevin McCarthy–”, with Hannity again saying she wasn’t answering the question. “Who are very supportive of what we’re doing. And they’re cheering us on. So, there are more for us than there are against us. And they are waiting for Kevin to cave,” she continued, talking over Hannity.

“Congresswoman, I’m frustrated by you not answering a direct question. You said to President Trump, you said earlier today that President Trump needs to tell Kevin McCarthy, you don’t have the votes,” Hannity said before Boebert interrupted him. “Can I finish?,” he pushed back. :You don’t have the votes and it’s time to withdraw.” He has 203. Your side has 20. Why is it time for him to withdraw and not you when he has so many more votes?”

“Well, Sean, he needs 218 and he does not have 218,” she replied.

“Neither do you!” Hannity shot back.

Despite the conservative commentator’s push, Boebert made clear that there is no way she would support McCarthy for speaker, no matter what happens.

“If this fight goes on and on for day after day, week after week and the Republican agenda totally stalls out, you can forget about holding Biden accountable for pretty much anything,” Hannity said. “And the country will feel angry and frustrated and they will feel betrayed.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. When most of the party has been actively and aggressively attacking the democratic principles of the US Government since Trump lost, this is the result.
    Trump cultivated this and the party is reaping the results.

    Meanwhile, for the past 2 years, Biden and the democrats have gotten so much done for the American people that even the republican losers who voted against the bills, like Mitch McConnell, are showing their constituents how proud they are of the improvements to bridges and other infrastructure that was passed.

  2. jackk
    There are good therapists who can help you with the blame game. This is all about republican’s and nothing to do with trump. stop acting like a baby.

  3. OMG
    It’s abseloutly clear that she has some past emotional scars.
    She might seem to have been mentally abused as a child and holding a grudge against some look alike.
    Not coherent, repeating sentences, not answering questions and full of anger.

  4. I actually think the woman held her ground and explained her position very well. Sean began with a silly hatchet job question and wouldn’t let up. All self-claimed conservatives should applaud the freedom caucus’s action, not look down on it. Kevin is like Hillary with his sense of entitlement as the next crown prince.

  5. How long will we be interested in the empty passion of political princes and princesses?
    You can only rely on ONE.
    Pray that The One Who pulls the strings of these marionettes, smiles on his wounded holy nation, yearning for the King to show his malchus openly.
    Nebuch on us for the banter.

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