DISTURBING: Lapid To Fly To US To Spur Jewish Groups To Sabotage Netanyahu

Yair Lapid speaks in the Knesset on January 2, 2023. (Knesset spokesperson)

Opposition chairman Yair Lapid is scheduled to fly to the US next week in order to recruit Jewish organizations to join him in his battle against Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s government, Israeli media reported on Thursday.

“What Lapid is doing now is disconcerting and irresponsible,” said Diaspora Affairs Minister Amichai Chikli (Likud) on Wednesday, adding that Lapid is “doing the work of the BDS movement.”

“Lapid fails to understand that when he tells the whole world that Israel now has a dark government, the world doesn’t differentiate between the government and the state. No former prime minister has ever acted this way.”

Lapid had made numerous exaggerated statements about Netanyahu’s new government to international news outlets including claims that “Netanyahu is destroying democracy” and will “destroy Israel’s founding principles.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

14 Responses

  1. I object to the phrase “Jewish groups” in your headline. Lapid is no going to try to convince Aguadah or Satmar or Chabad or even the OU to sabotage his political rival. He is appealing to groups that includes many goyim of Jewish descent, and whose ideologies are very WOKE, and also very antagonistic to Torah. Whatever they are, they are not “Jewish groups” no matter what they claim.

  2. What an עולם הפוך
    Cancel the visa of this savage lapid & instead reinstate visa for the Honorable Venerated Moreinu HoRav Shmuel Eliyahu shlita

  3. Akuperma: “even the OU”? So, the Orthodox Union is only marginally frum? You do know that Rav Hershel Schachter is the Posek for the OU’s Kashruth Division, right? Rav Schachter is one of the world’s preeminent talmidei chachamim who knows Sha”s, Rishonim and Poskim inside and out.

  4. Ari, why are you so over excited? The fact that you jumped at that “even” in itself shows there’s a problem (?). I’m not implying that the ou is good or bad but I think many would sing my song:

    I’m middle aged and all the years I assumed ou to be an hashgacha organization. I have no doubt that even today, many people, especially the young won’t know that the ou is involved as a union in Yiddishkeit.

    The problem is that as an hashgacha, many people were turned off, especially regarding many chumras chassidish yidden had at time that went against mesorah. So is it possible that @akuperma is from this group? Don’t know but it’s the idea behind some things that are not equally appreciated in all circles. More so, many gedolim don’t like umbrella organizations either, even agudah (not besmirching, just stating facts), where many felt there isn’t sanhedrin and a body shouldn’t have clout over individual movements!

    Just throwing some innocent ideas and thoughts why the ou is not popular in many circles so an “even” is expected. Nobody, nobody, argues that they are not geonim or talmidei chachamim. It’s not the point. I really think you should take a breather and relax with an understanding that people didn’t mean anything bad. Your comment, I think is not showing anything serious and doesn’t call for machlokes byisroel. We unfortunately have too much already!

  5. Lapid is and was a treat for Israel and the Jews.He is a leftist and a am Haaretz.He lost and he is like trump.Take his passport.

  6. I hope he remains in America…..what a man with evil intentions may they backfire and be set upon his own head….may he remain in America

  7. Ari Knobler: OU frequently works with the Modern Orthodox and Religious Zionist (Mizrahi), and tried to be part of a larger Jewish community that includes non-frum Jewish organizations, so it wouldn’t be laughable that Lapid might try to convince OU not to support Netanyahu. Note that OU is a member of the “Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations”, which as a group are Lapid’s target audience. Note that groups such as Agudah, Satmar and Chabad are NOT members of the Conference.

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