Orthodox Jewish Advocates Launch New Initiative to Correct Dangerous Mischaracterizations of Community: KnowUs

Orthodox Jews have been the target of more than a dozen misleading and one-sided portrayals of their community in the pages of The New York Times for the last four months.

It has become abundantly clear that Orthodox Jews must respond to protect their physical security and to depict Orthodox Jews without a jaundiced eye.

That’s why advocates have launched KnowUs: an initiative to combat negative stereotypes advanced by the The New York Times and others and provide an inside look into the lives of Orthodox Jews. KnowUs just erected three prominent Midtown Manhattan billboards, kicking off the campaign. Already garnering attention, the billboards direct viewers to KnowUs.org, a growing informational website, buttressed by a digital campaign, which rolled out today.

It’s no secret that antisemitism is on the rise in New York City. There were 45 antisemitic hate crimes against Jews in November 2022 alone, according to NYPD statistics, more than double the figure in November 2021. But here’s what’s not talked about much: the overwhelming majority of antisemitic hate crimes and assaults are perpetrated against Orthodox Jews. Agudath Israel of America, a leading national Orthodox Jewish nonprofit headquartered in Manhattan, is deeply concerned. The Times’ apparent obsession with painting Orthodox Jews negatively can only increase animus, and potentially violence, against the Orthodox Jewish community.

“The public has been misled about how Orthodox Jews support their families, educate their children, deal with marriage, divorce, and custody disputes, and participate in the political process,” said Mr. Sol Werdiger, founder and CEO of Outerstuff and chairman of Agudath Israel’s board of trustees. “KnowUs counters misinformation and presents Orthodox Jews, as told by Orthodox Jews.”

“Orthodox Jews have been under increasing assault in the streets of New York. Now we are under assault by the ‘paper of record.’ The time has come to speak up, lest our silence be construed as acquiescence to the normalization of anti-Orthodoxy. Hence the urgent need for KnowUs,” said Rabbi David Zwiebel, executive vice president of Agudath Israel of America.

“The world needs to better know us as individuals and as a community,” said Mitchell Silk, former assistant secretary for international markets at the U.S. Department of the Treasury and chairman emeritus of the Agudath Israel Pro Bono Legal Services Network. “That is one goal of the KnowUs campaign.”

“We don’t understand The New York Times’ obsession with us,” said Avrohom Weinstock, chief of staff at Agudath Israel. “We shouldn’t have to put up a billboard in 2023 to ask people to stop attacking us. Orthodox Jews, like every minority, should not be ‘othered.’”

While introducing our faith to the outside world, it behooves us to remind ourselves that, as Torah Jews, our sense of security comes from our trust in Hashem. At the same time, we must be prepared to engage in battle and to push back against those who threaten us. This hishtadlus is no less part of our avodas Hashem. Agudah has therefore undertaken this unprecedented step.

In addition to a call of Moisef v’Holech – to increase Torah learning – this campaign utilizes billboards and a website to directly call on policymakers, objective journalists, and all New Yorkers to respect the entire cultural patchwork of populations that is New York, including the city’s Orthodox Jews.

For more information, visit KnowUs.org.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

20 Responses

  1. Millions of dollars to billboards instead of the massive financial crisis most of Orthodox Jewry in the tri-state area are facing. At least diminish the massive cost of tuition increases facing frum families.

    The campaign to increase the teachers salaries was lovely…. except the tuition increases are what’s funding it. (leaving alone the fact that NY/NJ still doesn’t have any option for private school vouchers or at least a tax deduction, unlike several other states).

    If only they had put up these billboards in Europe, it likely would have solved the churban.

  2. I don’t want to know them and therefore will not put any effort to draw them closer, as a matter of principle…I sense. OPPOSITE is the answer…move on….

  3. “In addition to a call of Moisef v’Holech – to increase Torah learning”

    How about a call for Mosif Ve’Holech, to increase Emes and yashrus, proper and ethical business dealings, and spit out fraud and fraudsters in our midst.

    How about addressing the problem head-on, rather than beating around the proverbial bush?

  4. Years ago there was a fine Chasidic man, Mr. Gross z”l, who would organize large gatherings in Brooklyn during the nine days focusing on the Torah imperative of proper and ethical business dealings, featuring prominent speakers. When he passed away, AIA briefly took it over. Such things would be a good start (of course, speaking alone is insufficient, follow-up action is required as well).

  5. What a waste of hard earned Yiddishe gelt. People are having difficulty putting food on the table etc. Give the money to Yidden, not for some stupid PR campaign. Eisav sonai es Yaakov. It’s in their DNA, and we’re in golus. A ridiculous billboard or even three of them won’t change a goyishe kup.

  6. Covert, perhaps they are publishing anecdotes of certain Jews and their own experiences. It very frequently would not encompass the entire community, or even certainly not a majority. It doesn’t mean the info is inaccurate, just out of context. There are bad schools, people, stories, in every community in every setting. Highlighting the bad in the Jewish community portrays us all badly while ignoring the good that may even be overwhelming in most cases.

  7. First may I say that I hope all the allegations by The NY Times is not correct and totally false. The problem we have is that a small group of ineffective askanim think they can solve the issue alone.As a advocate who works daily with New York’s diverse religious leaders I am surprised that they did not reach out to me and utilizing my resources to keep The NY Times in check I would do so gladly and I don’t need any thanks or public acknowledgment in any way The problem is some small percentage of schools may be overstretching their power and creating problems for all yeshivas that are honest in all they do. May Hashem protect us from all this bad and probably inaccurate reporting

  8. When the facts are on your side, you pound the facts.
    When the facts are not on your side, you pound the table.
    Agudah is pounding the table.

    Yes — NYT articles were sensationalistic and biased by anti-frum motives.

    But that does not necessarily mean they didn’t uncover some unpleasant facts.

  9. Its sad how everyone loves to attack work done by Askonim.

    Why do all these criticizers not become involved and solve the problem if you you know how??

    Everything is not good, what do you suggest?

    Stop being so negative!!

  10. While it is upsetting to see the NY TIMES continue attacking the Charedi community We are all hopeful and optimistic that the story is fake news and biased and be blessed that we will be vindicated. However much of the responses and action by the above ineffective advocates who never get it right. My organization has a very warm and working relationship with New York”s diverse religious leaders, it is time for them to swalloe their pride and contact me to condemn these anti charedi attacks. The only way the NY TIMES will act if we are a united group and include all religious leaders from all faiths (AS WELL AS ALL MODERN CHASSIDISH LITVISH YESHIVAS)

  11. the attacks in new york are against jews. they aren’t “anti-orthodox”, because the average antisemite doesn’t know or care how long a person’s tzitzis are – they’re just targeting people who “look jewish”. what’s important is to realize that we’re all in this together.

  12. Get the Eino Yehudi out of lives, Jewish life is Sacred!
    Who came up with this idea,Whose Psak which Gadol ? This is a radical change in the methodology of Klal Yisrael, Think Yaakov & Asaav: Tefilah!!! – present (Bribe) – (War) Plan, this is the proven method throughout the long Galus.
    This stinks of proving ourselves to Natzies Yimach shmo vezchrono that we are fit to live to slave as dogs in the work camps,
    WAKE UP ITS NOT UR CLOTHS OR THE WAY YOU TALK ITS YOUR YICHUS OF BEING AM HANEVCHAR- they will only be happy when they take the Yid out of you, not when u show them the inside of our private Kodesh lives, No keep them out of are lives, you don’t bring a thief to the Royal treasurie to curb his wrongs u lock them up and throw away the key, or you pay him a big salary to make sure he keeps all his thug buddies away and yes we need so much tefilah ( not this 25 min shcharies 8 min mincha with No Tachnun IMBECILES! ) do you think we are doing G-d a favor by Davening Wake up!
    And yes daven for you lives and those of our brothers in E’Y and all around the World, for Mashiach to Come Now!

  13. The FRUM swamp leaders rats are silent.
    They are afraid that they will lose photo opportunities and self glorifications and individual vanities.

    Until all Jews unite you will see fractioned Jews doing all they can to lower the volume but not eliminate the Jew hate.

    But the leaders of the frum swamp silently smiling walking around with bodyguards and have direct line to the governor’s mobile and Chief of Police. It reminds me of Polish Ghetto and the ratetellers. Sad
    Passive aggressive hatred leaders hate.

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