Two Bochrim Struck by Lightening in Camp Horim

lightning.jpg2:50PM EST: Two boys at Camp Horim have been struck by lightening on Sunday afternoon, a source confirmed to YWN. Apparently, the boys were not directly struck, and as of this time, the boys are reported to be in “semi-stable” condition. They are currently en-route to Catskill Regional Medical Center, and being treated by senior Hatzolah Paramedics.

Dangerous thunderstorms are currently thrashing the tri-state area. Various warnings, watches and advisories are in effect for the entire region.

Much of the area will see severe thunderstorms that are capable of producing penny sized hail and damaging winds in excess of 70 m.p.h. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm.

Very heavy rain could cause ponding of water on roadways and minor flooding of poor drainage areas.

(YW-32 / YWN Sullivan County News Desk)

20 Responses

  1. Again, its lightning not lightening. Editor, please be aware of obvious headline spelling mistakes since they undermine the journalistic integrity of Yeshiva World at large.

  2. That being said i hope the boys are ok and with Hashem’s help they should make a full recovery. Just one question: What are they doing outdoors during a lightning storm??? Please, lets not fall back on the ridiculous “shomer pesaim Hashem”. “Ushmartem M’EOD L’nafshoseichem!”

  3. please note I am in camp horim. b’h it was not a direct hit. the 2 boys are fine. they are being observed in crmc.

  4. both families have been notified and are with their sons at this time. they should ne discharged shortly. B’H

  5. to “lshem shomaim”: the boys were not outside in the field they were learning & standing in a gazibo,
    & bzcus halimud they got saved b”h.

  6. Boruch Hashem they are being released.

    PLEASE!!!!!! – the word is LIGHTNING not lightening. Please change it already! It is making eyes hurt.

  7. Hope all is okay and you should try to stay indoors there was a lot of lightning strikes today in the tri state area injuring people.

  8. The Boys were inside. My understanding is that the lightning was conducted inside through an air conditioner.

  9. Although it is very understandable that you want to post all events as soon as they happen, it is very wrong to post an article such as this without mentioning the names of the two campers. Do you know how many parents went into a panick upon reading the article? Is that right? If you feel that it is not appropriate to publicize the names, then do not publicize what happened. You did a similar thing a few weeks ago when a tree fell in Camp Sternberg. You caused so much umnecessary tzar and anxiety to so many people. It may be important for you to put out as many interesting stories as you can, but NOT when it hurts others.

  10. TOO ALL THOSE concurned about the weigh lightening is spelt- beg deel-knot everywon has too alwayes spel everything the weight u like it. u half to chil. so he maid a miss-steak theerfore wat.

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