TERRIFYING: Monsey Mother Averts Disaster After Child Finds and Points LOADED GUN at Friend

A terrifying – and nearly tragic – incident unfolded in front of 76 Twin Avenue in Spring Valley on Sunday when a child found an unattended loaded .22-caliber gun and pointed it at another child in jest.

As reported by the Monsey Scoop, a group of children were waiting for their school bus to arrive Sunday morning when one of the children found a gun. Thinking it was a toy, he began playing with it – including pointing it at another child. B’chasdei Hashem, the trigger was not pulled.

The mother of one of the boys who happened to be outside noticed what was going on and immediately sprang into action, telling the child to drop the gun and move away from it, averting a potential tragedy.

Chaveirim of Rockland were called to the scene, who in turn called in the Ramapo Police Department. Police and the Rockland County Sheriff’s BCI are now investigating how a loaded, functioning gun wound up in the hands of youngsters.



(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

21 Responses

  1. Did someone accidently drop their gun? It looks like one of those Saturday night specials from years ago which in Monsey would be known as a Motzei Shabbos Special.

  2. the same way when cannabs was legalized in nj the rabbanim came out right away against it being served at social events etc , they shout come out right way against owning guns, there seems to be a new trend in tuna river and monsey that it is cool to own a gun, enough!

  3. This is a good example and one of the many reasons why parents should not allow their children to watch videos of killing and murder. If a kid sees on a video exactly how to pull the trigger, this story could have ended with a tragedy.

  4. With much of the second amendment being restored in NY and NJ I think it would be advisable that everyone learn the basics of gun safety. There are 4 rules that all should follow and teach to ALL children.

    1. Treat every gun (even toy guns) as if they are loaded and check that they are not. (Even if the person handing it to you says that it’s not)

    2. Never point any gun at something you are not willing to shoot.

    3. Never but your finger until you are ready to shoot. You should just have your finger on the trigger.

    4. Always know what’s behind what you are pointing the gun at because bullets can go through walls and you may not want to be shooting what’s behind that wall.

    These are rules that I have taught my children since they were three years old and it is ingrained in their psyche that they even treat water guns and Lazer tag guns with these precautions.

  5. @Avraham apparently you have never held a gun or perhaps even seen one. Kids don’t need movies to know how to pull the trigger on a gun it is very self explanatory and one would have to be completely crazy not to figure it out.

  6. If you were educated enough you will know that the gun isn’t a Saturday night special. It’s also rusted, meaning it hasn’t been well kept and very likely was exposed to elements for a while. If you want to own a gun and don’t want to deal with the hassle move to Florida. That gun wasn’t owned by a jew and I really feel for those that were quick to judge their own brethren

  7. @genuk shoin what’s wrong with owning a gun? Do you not believe that a person should be able to protect themselves the best way possible? Perhaps you believe that guns are unnecessary because we have police that take 5 minutes to respond to a crime that takes 30 seconds to commit.

    There is a very distinct difference between owning a gun and smoking marijuana. A gun is a tool and can and is used to prevent crime millions of times each year many many times more then it kills people both intentionally and unintentionally combined. Smoking marijuana will all ways make a person high. Saying no guns is like saying no knives sayings no marijuana is like saying no alcohol.

  8. genuk shoin

    Maybe, but on the other hand maybe they should encourage Jews to have the ability to defend themselves, and to learn how to responsibly store and use firearms. Meanwhile, you and the Judenrat can keep doing your thing and make sure the trains run on time.

  9. Police and the Rockland County Sheriff’s BCI are now investigating how a loaded, functioning gun wound up in the hands of youngsters. Because of the 2nd Amendment.

  10. Maybe there was a perp who forgot it there. Check the video cams but you’ll need to look carefully because sometimes it’s hard to make out a kushiite on these cams

  11. @sorry & BaisIsThePlace; how many accidents happened in homes of innocent gun owners? Showing a gun to a criminal can cost your life choliloh! Not worth it!

  12. @DavidtheKanoi let me educate you just a little.

    Every year in the USA there are on average between 30 and 45 thousand gun deaths. This number includes all deaths homicides suicides and accidents. That is 0.06 percent of the population of those deaths 22 to 30 thousand are suicide. Between 8 and 13 thousand are homicide and between 1300 to 2000 are police related shooting. The number of accidental deaths by a gun is between 350 and 800 people a year. So while every death is a tragedy your concern about accidents is really negligible.

    On the flip side every year guns are used by private individuals to prevent crimes approximately 2.5 million times every year. Looking at the numbers I think it is quite obvious that the benefits of having a gun far outweigh the dangers.

    I have attached links to some of my sources I hope yeshivaworld will allow them to be published. Note: the last source includes all shooting not just deaths and even that is negligible.






  13. DavidtheKanoi, sorry is right. Accidents happen, but they are very rare. Even if you have a gun and carry it all day, your chance of having an accident with it are MUCH LOWER than your chance of being in a traffic accident. In fact they’re even lower then your chance of being in a traffic accident even if you DON’T own or drive a car! That’s right, your chance of having an accident with a gun you own is lower than your chance of having an accident with a car you don’t own!

    Enemies of the second amendment like to cite some study that showed that people who own guns are more likely to be killed than people who don’t own guns. From this they jump to the conclusion that these people are being killed with their own guns, presumably by accident. But that is nonsense. OF COURSE people who own guns are more likely to be killed. That is why they own the gun! Because their life is in danger!

    Someone who is not afraid of criminals has no need to defend himself. But someone who has good reason to be afraid of criminals will buy a gun to defend himself, and sometimes that will work, but sometimes it won’t. A gun is not a guarantee of safety. It gives you a chance, which is better than being a sitting duck, but sometimes the bad guys win. So of those who are at risk, and therefore prepare for that risk, some percentage of them will be killed. And the higher the risk a person is in, the higher the chance that he will buy a gun, which will sometimes not be enough. But if he does NOT buy a gun then his chance of being killed is even higher.

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