REMEMBER THIS? Trump’s Lies During 2020 Debate Go Viral Again [SEE THE VIDEO]

FILE - Former President Donald Trump announces a third run for president as he speaks at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Fla., Nov. 15, 2022. The Treasury Department says it has complied with a court order to make available Trump's tax returns to a congressional committee. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell, File)

Yep, he was lying. When during the 2020 presidential debate moderator Chris Wallace asked Donald Trump about his having paid only $750 in taxes, Trump responded saying that he had paid “millions.”

“I know that you pay a lot of other taxes, but I’m asking you the specific question. Is it true that you paid $750 in federal income taxes each of those two years?” Wallace asked Trump.

“I paid millions of dollars in taxes, millions of dollars of income tax. And let me just tell you, there was a story in one of the papers that I paid $38 million one year. I paid $27 million one year,” Trump replied.

“Show us your tax returns,” Joe Biden said.

“You’ll see it as soon as it’s finished. You’ll see it. You know, if you want to do, go to the Board of Elections. There’s a 118-page or so report that says everything I have, every bank I have, I’m totally under-leveraged because the assets are extremely good. And we have a very – we have a I built,” Trump said.

“I’m asking you a question. Will you tell us how much you paid in federal income taxes in 2016 and 2017?” Wallace managed to get in as the two talked over each other.

“Millions of dollars,” Trump replied.o

“You paid millions of dollars? So, not 750?” Wallace asked.

“And you will get to see it,” Trump declared.

Well, none of that coming from Trump was true. The House Ways and Means Committee on Friday publicly released the returns, which show Trump paid $0 in federal income taxes in 2020, in which he claimed a $5.47 million refund, after paying $133,445 in 2019; $999,446 in 2018; $750 in both 2017 and 2016; and $641,931 in 2015.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

24 Responses

  1. Wow I’m impressed he was able to find all the loopholes to get out of his taxes ! This is who we need as a president to get us out of all these bad trade deals get our economy back up and running strong.

  2. Ok, who cares how much he did or didn’t pay??!!!
    Now you want to compare, side by side, how many lies Biden said compared to Trump?
    Trump might be a liar, an egotist, narcissistic and maybe even a bigot, but as far as filling the position as POTUS, he filled that job up better than other president since Reagan

  3. Ask a stupid question- get a stupid answer. Who cares how much he paid? As long as he paid the amount he was legally supposed to pay. Question should have been – Mr. President did you pay the correct amount? Wealthy people and corporations hire tax attorneys to strategize ways to reduce their tax bill within the confines of the law as should everyone. If that was his legal liability that is what he should have paid and if Congress doesn’t like it they should change the laws.

  4. A complete liar and crook. He was never under audit, his sorry excuse for not releasing his tax returns, as every presidential candidate has done for over half a century.
    He has constantly whined about Biden’s ” connection to China”. But as president, he had bank accounts in China! For what? What were his business dealings with China while president?

  5. The main takeaway for me: He’s the ONLY politician in modern history to lose money for going into politics (and doing a good job at his agenda).

  6. At this point, WHO CARES (other than the IRS and the DOJ). He has so normalized this kind of deception and so degraded himself and the office of the presidency, that when someone like Santos comes along, the Repubicans simply shrug and say “everyone does it” and then geneflect towards, Blumenthal, Biden etc as just as bad.

  7. “Well, none of that coming from Trump was true. The House Ways and Means Committee on Friday publicly released the returns, which show Trump paid $0 in federal income taxes in 2020, in which he claimed a $5.47 million refund, after paying $133,445 in 2019; $999,446 in 2018; $750 in both 2017 and 2016; and $641,931 in 2015.”

    Companies typically pay quarterly taxes. Do you mean that the documents show that he paid $0 in 2022 at the end of the year, or including all quarterly and other payments? Same for the other years.

  8. Yeshiva World News would never have this headline about anyone else in the world! Why only President Trump? There are many lies out there that were stated by many people, but YWN only focuses on those by President Trump. Something is wrong with this picture.

  9. To Yehiva world news – Please stop hating on trump… he was good to the jews… we need to have hakarat hatov… at the end these are goyim and this is their county not ours… please focus on “yeshiva world ” news , thats why a lot of us come to your website for news… to guard our eyes from priysus and to get some idea of what is occurring in our jewish world through a torah view/lense !

  10. These daily attacks are so ridiculous. Somebody must be paying off YWN to run an anti-Trump narrative. Makes you wonder what other narratives they’re being paid to skew.

  11. I never saw Biden have dinner with a nazi
    I never saw Obama have dinner with a nazi
    etc etc
    Even Hunter Biden never sat down with a nazi – although all you trump lovers will go after him with a vengeance.
    How come no one on this forum mentioned Trump with a nazi?
    You guys have been hypnotized by this demagogue, liar, con-artist and sore, very sore LOSER.

  12. Yechiell, so President Trump had dinner with a white supremist.He already announced his mistake, but that doesn’t detract from the fact he accomplished a great deal ,and worked very long hours ,and lost billions of dollars of his own money as president and is a huge supporter of Israel and the Jewish people.I’m also getting fed up with YWN’s pandering to the anti-Trump,leftist MSM agenda!!!!

  13. Who cares about his taxes!?? All i care about is the terrible mess America is in right now!! We are in deep debt from crazy high living prices! When he was president a dozen eggs was not 6$, mortgage rates & gas prices were not this high!

  14. “Show us your tax returns,” Joe Biden said.

    Well! Now that Trump’s tax returns are exposed. It’s high time to expose the tax return for Joe, hunter and all the biden ilks.

  15. Teal- good morning, Biden released his tax returns when he ran for president, like all other presidential candidates for the last half century, with the exception of an immoral lying adulterous seditionist

  16. @Rt

    So, basically, Trump owns an international hotel franchise, with many branches China – hence the need for a Chinese bank account.

    I know, dissapointing, right?
    I was also hoping for some spy conspiracy. After all, we all know how much Trump loves China…..

  17. “And we have a very we have a I built,” Trump said. Well, I also have a very I have a I built, but no one is looking at my taxes. So this is clearly all a witch hunt.

  18. It would be one thing if he was asked specifically what Line 56 of his form 1040 showed in 2016, but taxes paid could mean a range of things, including the $1,000,000 he paid in estimated taxes, or it could mean the $2,234,725 he owed in alternative minimum income tax before his $2,233,975 investment tax credit.

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