LIKE A SIEVE: Apprehensions at the Southern Border Exceed 617,000 – The Most Ever

(AP Photo/Christian Chavez, File)

A record number of migrants were apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border since the start of fiscal year 2023 (October 1st), with 617,250 encounters according to information obtained by Fox News.

Of the 617,250 encounters, 186,573 were expelled under Title 42, while 430,677 were released into the United States.

Most of the encounters are occurring in Texas, where the El Paso sector reported 159,186 encounters and the Del Rio sector saw 137,836 encounters.

The number of encounters experienced so far in FY2023 exceed last year’s encounters by 100,000; 517,000 encounters were reported at the end of December 2021, and in 2020, there were only 458,058 for entire fiscal year.

Anyone miss Donald Trump yet?

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

One Response

  1. this is a Hollywood movie….how does this happen, how do you stabilize allowing this form of illegals flowing into a country…Biden, isn’t the President…Americans , well we have to sort them out by their allegiance to G-d then we can decide whom is the best of the best and those who must be locked up….sick society.

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