“HAVE YOU NO SHAME?”: Rep.-Elect Who Lied About Being Jewish Taken Down in Brutal Interview [SEE THE VIDEO]

FILE - Republican candidate for New York's 3rd Congressional District George Santos campaigns outside a Stop and Shop store, Saturday, Nov. 5, 2022, in Glen Cove, N.Y. Santos, who won a seat in Congress in the November election is under pressure to explain himself amid evidence that he fabricated parts of the life story that endeared him to New York voters. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer, File)

Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, a former Democrat who is now a Fox News contributor, tore into Rep. Elect George Santos, a Republican who was recently exposed as having lied about large chunks of his life, including claiming to be Jewish.

Gabbard, filling in for Tucker Carlson on Tuesday night, asked Santos: “What does the ‘word’ integrity mean to you?”

“Integrity is very important,” Santos said. “And like I said to the New York Post–”

“What does it mean, though?” Gabbard interjected. “What does it mean? Because the meaning of the word actually matters in practice.”

“It means to carry yourself in an honorable way,” Santos answered. “And I made a mistake. And I think humans are flawed and we all make mistakes, Tulsi. I think we can all look at ourselves in the mirror and admit that once we’ve made a mistake. I’m having to admit this on national television for the whole country to see and I have the courage to do so.”

“The thing is, Congressman-Elect, integrity means yes, carrying yourself with honor,” Gabbard replied. “But it means telling the truth – being a person of integrity And if I were one of those in New York’s third district right now, now that the election is over and finding out all of these lies that you’ve told, not just one little lie or one little embellishment, these are blatant lies. My question is: do you have no shame? Do you have no shame?”

“Tulsi, I can say the same thing about the Democrats and the party,” Santos responded. “Joe Biden’s been lying to the American people for 40 years. He’s the president of the United States. Democrats resoundingly support him. Do they have no shame?”

“This is not about the Democratic Party, though,” she said. “This is about your relationship, frankly with the people who entrusted you to go and fight for them.”

“Are you Jewish?” she asked. “We’ve got a letter your campaign sent out earlier this year, which read as follows: ‘As a proud American Jew, I’ve been to Israel numerous times for educational, business, and leisurely trips.’ You said there in that letter that you were ‘a proud American Jew.’ How do you explain that?”

“My heritage is Jewish,” Santos asserted. “I was raised a practicing Catholic.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

21 Responses

  1. “Have you no shame” — What a silly question to ask a politician.

    Anyone who thinks that politicians have things such as honesty, pride, or moral integrity should be asked the question “have you no brains”.

  2. As he pointed out, other politicians lie, too.

    The interviewer never clarified why his particular lies should be considered any more odious than any other politician’s lie.

    The bottom line is, now that he lied his way to office, what will he do in that office?

  3. Yes, he told some lies, but this one seems not to be. He says his maternal grandmother claimed that she was Jewish. If that’s true, that makes him Jewish.

    Being Catholic doesn’t contradict that; there are many Jewish Catholics. Cardinal O’Connor was a Jew; he didn’t even know it, but he was one anyway. It was his pintele yid that, unbeknownst to him, induced him to be such an ohev Yisroel. When he got Upstairs and discovered the truth, he had a ready-made defense for his lifetime of avoda zara: He was literally a tinok shenishbeh, taught from childhood that this was the truth, and he did his very best to do the right thing.

    Should he have believed his grandmother’s stories? Why not? They’re far more reliable than Elizabeth Warren’s supposed “family lore”.

    As for the rest of his lies, none of them is anywhere near as bad as those that are taken completely for granted in the Democrat Party. Joe Biden, Dick Blumenthal, Elizabeth Warren, Tom Harkin, Ilhan Omar, and so many more. Biden in particular has told so many many lies about his background, far more serious than any that Santos told. So long as he doesn’t have to resign, neither should Santos.

  4. The obvious question is the scope of his lying across every item on his resume and dismissive seeming indifference to any need for explaining what, if anything he said was true. This becomes important with respect to his filed charitable and campaign finance reports where lying is potentially a federal/state crime. He should be seated in Congress next week but the ethics committee and federal prosecutors may dictate an alternative outcome in the longer term

  5. Coffee Addict, maybe not, but if his lies had been known in time he would never have won the nomination. In 2024 he should not be renominated. The GOP could easily find someone just as good who tells the truth.

  6. Regardless of what an investigation may reveal, the voters in that district have spoken loud and clear. They want a Republican representing them in Congress. Let the RNC select a Republican replacement.

  7. I think what gets people here is the brazenes of his lies. The things he lied about are so easily verifiable that people are taken by the fact that he would lie about them anyway. Also the amount of these easily verifiable lies probably leaves people scratching their heads. But as he said all politicians lie. An honest politician is as oxymoronic as an honest back robber. The only two possible exceptions may be Joseph Lieberman and Mike Pence.

  8. Of course Biden lies. All politicians lie. This guy never got the memo that says “As a politician you have to know HOW to lie.” This clown dug himself into a hole the size of grave. It’s safe to say he can put all his political dreams to rest forever!

  9. 1. Gabbard did an outstanding job; I was extremely impressed at her respectful insistence and line of questioning.

    2. I am literally in a state of shock that a person so clearly suffering from some serious form of a pathological lying disorder ever became even slightly successful in any endeavor.

    3. To many of the commenters above: You’re missing the point. The point is not even that he lied! As some have said, all politicians lie (which is a sad and terrible state of affairs; I’m sure the tzaddik umos ha’olam, Mikeyboy P., never lied in his life, by the way)! No, the point is that he’s not even pretending to care about lying, not even showing one drop of remorse… it’s literally shocking! Let me give a little tutorial on how you apologize effectively for telling self-aggrandizing lies FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF FURTHERING YOUR CAREER AND POLITICAL CHANCES (not as a way out of jail or something like that)… here goes: “Tulsi, my G-d, I want the floor to swallow me up. I’m full of shame that I acted in such a despicable way.” FULL STOP. Don’t even mention that you hope people will trust you in Congress until the interviewer asks about it. Then keep apologizing, beg for forgiveness — not understanding, damn it! Beg for forgiveness; there is no u derstanding! You’re a freak! <>

    4. Honestly, does he have aides and advisors?!?! Letting him say things like, “ The Democrats lie, too”?!?! Seriously?!?!

    5. And though it wasn’t actually the worst thing he did I. That interview, I’m in shock that he literally insulted his district’s intelligence so openly like that. I mean, I’m not a liberal; I don’t care… maybe they’re all stupid! But how could hellHE be so dumb as to not realize how bad it sounded?!?!

  10. Oh wow, I guess I skimmed the above comments too fast — I didn’t realize… how nice!!!! Someone above also gave a shout to our dear tzaddikel, Mikeyboy P.!!!!

  11. BaalHabooze: Are you that clueless? If Santos resigns, there is something called a “special election”. The RNC does not “select” this jerk’s replacement. Indeed, we recently had such a special election when another Republican congressman, Tom Reed, was forced to resign because of sexual misconduct allegations. Under NYS law, the governor (Kathy Hochul) is obligated to call a special election whenever a member (or member-elect) of congress leaves office before to July 1. She has 10 days to issue a proclamation calling a contest to be held 70 to 80 days later

  12. His lies won’t stop him from serving. He may have done a few things that are actually illegal though. He will have a hard time defending himself in court if he’s shown to be a habitual liar.

  13. The New York Democratic congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is under investigation by the House of Representatives’ ethics committee, the leaders of the panel said.

    The Democratic acting chair, Susan Wild of Pennsylvania, and acting ranking member, Michael Guest, a Mississippi Republican, released a statement on Wednesday.

    They said: “The matter regarding Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez … was transmitted to the committee by the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) on 23 June.”

    The subject of the investigation was not revealed

    Hmmmm. Media blackout?

  14. Hashem made sure that the donkey of Bilaam should disappear because Bilaam will get embarrassed.
    I think this lady grilled this man way too much like grinding him alive.

  15. LOL “I’m JEW-ish” (look how syllabized it!)
    Republicans have a marginal notch off higher integrity, so this guy would make a classic Democrat.

  16. What about all the Dem lies. Has anyone ever seen a Dem own up and apologize for their many and harmful lies? Santos did for his relatively harmless lies, and that says something.
    She didn’t have to go after him so viciously.
    The fact that Santos is being singled out, exposed, brass-knuckled and prosecuted is not because they’re out for justice, but bec they’re out for Republican blood.

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