INCREDIBLE: Ron DeSantis Invited Frum Jew to Stay at Governor’s Mansion After She Was Threatened [SEE THE VIDEO]

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis invited a frum woman, Chaya Raichik, to stay at the governor’s mansion in Tallahassee after she was doxed and threatened on Twitter.

Raichik runs the Twitter account @libsoftiktok, which posts videos and stories about leftists promoting radical ideologies, including most prominently gender-changing surgeries for children and inappropriate entertainment and content kids across the country are being exposed to.

The Twitter account’s popularity has made Raichik a target of the left, and Washington Post reporter Taylor Lorenz inexplicably doxed her, unleashing a tidal wave of hate, vitriol – and death threats – directed at her.

Raichik was a guest on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show, where she revealed that after she was doxed, Florida Gov. DeSantis invited her to stay at his mansion.

“When I was doxed, someone from Ron DeSantis’s team called me and she said, ‘The governor wanted me to give you a message. He said if you don’t feel safe – you or your family – if you need a place to go, to hide, to stay, you can come to the governor’s mansion. We have a guest house for you and you can stay as long as you need,'” Raichik told Carlson.

“I was almost in tears,” she said.

In a follow-up Twitter post, Raichik added, “I recently had the opportunity to thank @GovRonDeSantis in person. He was so gracious. Brushed it off. He said ‘Of course! You do great work!’ It wasn’t even a question for him. Genuinely a kindhearted person.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

23 Responses

  1. Very not in the Jewish spirit to be taking a non Jewish reporter’s attacks personal – so as to lash back on live TV (with a nickname) big chillul Hashem.

  2. What is “incredible” about the nation’s most politically astute governor exploiting an opportunity to score points with the right wing of his party by making a gesture to “protect” a social media personality who herself has posted what many on the left consider to be racist, homophobic and hateful rants and disparaging commentary and seeks out publicity by appearing on Fox News’ . It would have been political malpractice for DeSantis to miss such an opportunity.

  3. She lives in California, and the Florida governor invited her to stay at the Florida governor’s mansion? DeSantis has a talent for publicity stunts.

  4. I’m like…It’s like…. I’m like….

    I’m like right out of BP or Lakewood!
    Can’t our intelligentsia discontinue the use of these silly, meaningless expressions of ignorance!

  5. SaraRifka: I’m sure you/they (not sure of your gender identity) must be among those “proud” women who supports her venom. There are obviously a fair share of nutcases on the far left side side but its sad to find such drech invoking the name(s) of the emahot.

  6. @gadolhatora – besides for the ironic name you chose, I was shocked that you deemed ‘homophobic’ as something negative, mentioned in one breath with ‘racist’. Isn’t every truly frum person a ‘homophobe’ by definition? and proud of it too? In case someone forgot, the Torah explicitly calls this behavior an Abomination. Don’t fall for the lib propaganda.
    The campaign of the far left ideologies is a campaign against Hakadosh Baruch Hu, and we should definitely stand up for his honor.
    Kudos to Chaya Raitzik for her courage and bravery.
    אחותינו את היי לאלפי רבבה!!

  7. CS: The terminology and commentary is not framed in passive terms expressing disagreement based on individual religious perspective but has evolved into personal disparagement, ridicule a growing number of cases, implicit threats to limit or deny equal rights under secular law and tragically, in mass shooting attacks. As yidden, we daily experience the real world consequences of embedded anti-semitic tropes and stereotypes.
    The type of “rage” politics promoted every evening by certain right-wing talking heads and on social media has a parallel on the left as well (aka Whoopi Goldberg stupidity on the shoah).

  8. @fakenews
    She’s not married actually; and I don’t know why you same fixated on her hair of all things…..


  9. She doesn’t post anything. She reposts what these people are themselves posting. If they don’t want people to hear or see what they have to say, they don’t have to say it in public.

  10. GadolHadorah, you’re so transparent in your hypocrisy that it absolutely amazes me you can even look at yourself in the mirror. You must be a troll, but you need to stop your antics because you are causing great harm and nobody is amused (except perhaps you).

  11. Chaya Raichik is doing a great kiddush Hashem as she exposes the heinous evils of the toeivah cult.

    No doubt she is incurring the outrage of both the non-Jewish “progressives” and the “progressive” Jews in name only (Katanahador etc.), some of whom may attend Orthodox synagogues.

    You go, girl!

  12. I think we all suspected that GH was an indoctrinated leftist fascist but now it’s all out in the open. To deride DeSantis for offering to help a Jew in need, and to vilify that Jew who risked her life in publicizing the despicable and grotesque woke nuts and their sick perversions that are destroying the moral fabric of this world by simply re-posting their very own words is beyond irrational. Do us a favor and drop the faux frumkeit, and post your leftist diatribes somewhere else.

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