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Google Apologizes After Definition of “Jew” Invokes Ancient Antisemitic Trope

Google has apologized and changed the results of the search term “Jew” on its website after widespread outcry.

In a tweet, a representative for the search said it outsources its definitions to a third party and the result is a mistake.



Following the New York Times’ and Washington Post’s recent diatribes against Jews, it is only fitting that Google, the world’s largest search engine, joins the fray, becoming just the latest in a long string of companies mainstreaming antisemitism.

When searching the “Jew definition” on Google, one could reasonably expect to get a definition describing someone from the Jewish people. But that’s not what happens. Instead, the top result is to “bargain with someone in a miserly or petty way” – an infamous antisemitic trope implying that Jews are petty and cheap.

To see the actual definition of “Jew,” one has to click on “Translations and more definitions” – it doesn’t even show up without taking the extra step.

In a world that is becoming increasingly antisemitic and where antisemitic personalities like Kanye West are given platforms to spew their hatred, one would hope that a massive company like Google would at least do its best to ensure that Jews are protected while on its platforms and that users are steered away from hatred against them.

Sadly, that appears not to be the case.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

17 Responses

  1. Not sure what your talking about, a simple google search gave me

    Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more

    a member of the people and cultural community whose traditional religion is Judaism and who trace their origins through the ancient Hebrew people of Israel to Abraham.
    “Levin is a practicing Orthodox Jew”
    Translate jew to
    1. יְהוּדִי

    its never worth it to call wolf unnecessarily, we have enough real issues to work on

  2. I don’t quite understand. Why would one expect that a massive company like Google would be any better? They’re left-wing nuts, don’t forget.

  3. We don’t care stop trying to shock jock us. We aren’t surprised that everyone hates Jews. Do we need to constantly cry about it or spread it on websites to make us feel scared or worried? What does this accomplish.

  4. The use of the word Jew as a noun is defined by google as “a member of the people and cultural community whose traditional religion is Judaism and who trace their origins through the ancient Hebrew people of Israel to Abraham”.
    When doing a google search of the word Jew that is the first use of the word and definition.

    This article is pointing out the definition of the word Jew as a verb – Which unfortunately is an antisemitic slur and therefore the first definition.

    This antisemitic slur is something we cry out to Hashem about in Tachanun “Hayiinu La’ag va’keles ba’goyim” and we lament in the kinnus on Tisha b’av as well that we have become a “Mashel Ba’amim” for “bizayon”

    We would all serve ourselves a lot better if we focused on why Hashem allows the anti-Semitism to exist and what it’s purpose is, rather than exclusively focusing on the fact that it exists. We know it exists, EVERYWHERE. Let’s take the lessons Chazal teach us and learn them. We gain nothing from pointing it out and stopping, without learning its lessons and what Hashem wishes for it to teach us.

  5. I don’t know what Google you guys are using but I just tried it and the normal definition describing someone from the Jewish people came up.

  6. I don’t know if I agree.
    a lower case “jew” is a verb, and that is what it means and is used as, the same way, whether it is proper or uncalled for, an indian giver means to ask for a present back, a beduin can be translated as a shepherd, a bohemian can e used to describe an individualistic person, a barbarian as someone who is uncouth, etc.

    It is not a trop, but the definition of a verb, which is what it is when it is lower cased.

  7. Dictionary
    Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more
    a member of the people and cultural community whose traditional religion is Judaism and who trace their origins through the ancient Hebrew people of Israel to Abraham.
    “Levin is a practicing Orthodox Jew”

  8. When I searched it earlier it show what yeshiva world reported and I took a picture of it now when I looked up again googled changed the definition

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