HOLIDAY GIFT: Texas Drops Off Migrants Near VP Harris Home in Washington, DC

Photo via Christian Flores / Twitter

Three buses of recent migrant families arrived from Texas near the home of Vice President Kamala Harris in record-setting cold on Saturday night.

Texas authorities have not confirmed their involvement, but the bus drop-offs are in line with previous actions by border-state governors calling attention to the Biden administration’s immigration policies.

The buses that arrived late Saturday outside the vice president’s residence were carrying around 110 to 130 people, according to Tatiana Laborde, managing director of SAMU First Response, a relief agency working with the city of Washington to serve thousands of migrants who have been dropped off in recent months.

Local organizers had expected the buses to arrive Sunday but found out Saturday that the group would get to Washington early, Laborde said. The people on board included young children.

Some were wearing T-shirts despite temperatures hovering around 15 degrees Fahrenheit (-9 degrees Celsius).

Laborde said employees had blankets ready for the people who arrived and moved them quickly onto waiting buses for a ride to an area church. A local restaurant chain donated dinner and breakfast.

Most of the arrivals were headed to other destinations and expected to remain in Washington only briefly.

Gov. Greg Abbott’s office did not respond to a request for comment Sunday morning. His office said last week that Texas has given bus rides to more than 15,000 people since April to Washington, New York, Chicago, and Philadelphia.

Abbott and Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey, both Republicans, are strong critics of President Joe Biden on his handling of the U.S.-Mexico border, where thousands of people are trying to cross daily, many to seek asylum. Officials on both sides of the border are seeking emergency help in setting up shelters and services for migrants, some of whom are sleeping on streets.

Republicans argue Biden and Harris, designated the administration’s point person on the root causes of migration, have relaxed restrictions that induced many people to leave their countries of origin. Biden has ended some policies but kept others enacted by former President Donald Trump, whose administration also grappled with spikes in border crossings and at one point separated immigrant families and children as a deterrence initiative.

White House spokesperson Abdullah Hasan called the bus drop-offs a “cruel, dangerous, and shameful stunt.”

“As we have repeatedly said, we are willing to work with anyone – Republican or Democrat alike – on real solutions, like the comprehensive immigration reform and border security measures President Biden sent to Congress on his first day in office, but these political games accomplish nothing and only put lives in danger,” Hasan said in a statement Sunday.


9 Responses

  1. How filthy disgusting of Kamala Harris not to have welcome them into her heated house with open arms, especially on xmas {Don’t give excuse because your hubby is Jewish & was too busy observing ראש-חודש or/& חנוכה}

  2. ““As we have repeatedly said, we are willing to work with anyone – Republican or Democrat alike – on real solutions, like the comprehensive immigration reform and border security measures President Biden sent to Congress on his first day in office, but these political games accomplish nothing and only put lives in danger,” Hasan said in a statement Sunday.“

    Except for going to the border to see first hand what is happening

  3. Since when is it cruel not to let people break the law. How interesting that when yidden where running literally for their lives during world war II, the liberals told them they must follow the law, but these people whose lives are not in danger must be welcomed by governor abott

  4. Once you allow them in, I’m actually sympathetic to the idea of providing quick transit for these poor souls away from the few border towns which are overwhelmed and distributing them around the country. However, there could be some minimal prior notice provided that x buses are headed to cities A, B and C and will be arriving approximately XXX date.

  5. Hope and pray these illegal criminals (yes breaking and entering into a country is criminal), go ahead and break into that filthy treasonous witches house and trash it but good.
    And maybe even break a couple of her treasonous America hating bones, she certainly deserves it

  6. To:
    I disagree with your poisonous words.
    She is not going to change after reading your comment. She will just get angry and no good will come through that.

  7. Not that it would apply to anyone here but advocating or threatening physical harm to U.S. government officials is a class C or D felony under federal law carrying maximum penalties of 5-10 years under 18 U.S.C. § 875, 876 and other statutes. Such threats are now routinely investigated by the FBI and several individuals have been convicted of such threats on both sides of the political spectrum in the past 2-3 years and serving prison terms of varying duration. Anonymous postings on social medial are easily traced and identified.

  8. No doubt we are all outraged by the mistreatment of Jews on the flight in Moldova.
    Not to share concern for the life and welfare of other human beings, and even worse to threaten the life and well being of others, is certainly a lack of yiddishkeit.
    Avrohom Avinu risked his life to fight not only for Lot, but for all the anshei S’dom as well. And they were not from the finest people on earth.

  9. Rt-
    Fake conflation, false comparison. These people invading the US are not escaping death, destruction, or genocide. They are coming from third world unstable regions for a better economic and sociopolitical climate. Unfortunately, US citizens who pay the price for all this resettlement cannot sustain the billions of residents of these poor countries. And if your concern is Jewish values, FYI, the Halacha is: עניי עירך קודם. We should be supporting the poor and homeless US citizens in our US cities before pretending to save the world.

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