THEY’VE HAD ENOUGH: Jared and Ivanka Refusing to Help Trump After Meeting with Antisemites

Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner and their children Arabella and Joseph watch as President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally, Tuesday, Sept. 22, 2020, in Moon Township, Pa. (AP Photo/Keith Srakocic)

Jared and Ivanka Kushner, the Jewish son-in-law and daughter of Donald Trump, are keeping their distance from the former president and refusing to help him after he dined with antisemites Kanye West and Nick Fuentes at Mar-a-Lago.

Trump has come under withering criticism for his inexplicable meeting with the pair of Jew haters and while Jared and Ivanka would usually be of assistance to weather PR crises, they are declining to do so now.

According to a report from New York Magazine, Trump advisors frantically called Jared Kusher for help and public support after the former president’s meeting with the antisemitic rapper and Holocaust denier, but Kushner wouldn’t do anything besides tell them to contact Trump directly.

“He was like, ‘Look, I’m out. I’m really out,”‘ a source in the Trump camp told the magazine.

Jared and Ivanka, two of the top advisors to Trump while he was in the White House, took a step back from public life after he announced his 2024 run, with Ivanka not even showing up for the much-heralded announcement and the first daughter putting out a statement that she will not be involved in the campaign.

Trump has still not apologized for his meeting with the two antisemites or condemned their views, including when he had the most obvious chance to do so when he addressed the Torah Umesorah Presidents Conference two weeks ago.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC) 

28 Responses

  1. Better late than never, but why were they facilitators for the past 5 or 6 years and somehow evaded responsibility by painting themselves as “moderating” influencers.

  2. Trumps number is up, whether or not his pronouncement of not knowing about how virulent an anti semite Kanye west is plausible, but now this has become no longer relevant when he refuses to man up and disavow and condemn Kanye West’s anti sematic and racist views. Notwithstanding all the tremendous gifts that Trump gave the state of Israel, I no longer can understand how any self-respecting frum jew can continue to support him after this latest scandal.

  3. Just stop this nonsense please. Whether you like Trump or not he is clearly the furthest thing from an antisemite. If a major Hollywood star was nearby, how many people these days wouldn’t stop by at least to check it out. Be honest with yourselves. Even if Biden was in town you would feel intrigued to stop over and say hi regardless of your affiliations. So be honest with yourselves and just stop the phony narrative that he is an antisemite. I dont love everything he does either but he has done more for this country and for jews than anyone else.

  4. this doesn’t sound like news. as it says at the end of the article, Jared simply is out of politics. and it was outside advisors, aka concerned friends, not T, asking him

  5. “If a major Hollywood star was nearby, how many people these days wouldn’t stop by at least to check it out…”
    He INVITED a known antisemite to dine with him AFTER he had posted venomous attacks against Jews and allowed an even more vile antisemite to join them. I couldn’t care if they were “Hollywood Stars” and no, most YWN readers wouldn’t “stop by” to bathe in their filth.

  6. He is the most ungrateful son-in-law. Besides all the unbelievable historic things Trump did for Israel, this Kushner guy made big money on his shver’s being president, probably the only one in the family that made money instead of loosing, and we’re talking billions. The least he can do is go out there and say the truth: Trump is not an anti-Semite. But no, since he made his money already.
    When considering this, and Madoff-Fried, Soros-Nadler-Schiff etc. etc. I must say, there’s a lot of Jew hatrers I don’t really blame…

  7. MDshweks? “this Kushner guy”? Really? It was Jared who orchestrated the Abraham Accords. Without him, none of Trump’s accomplishments vis-a-vis Israel would have been possible.

    I am proud of Jared and Ivanka and wish them much naches and success.

  8. So you think Kushner also gets credit for stopping payments to the PA, moving the embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing the Golan heights, freeing Rubashkin, ripping the Iran deal… Really???!

  9. To Reb Elizer
    Its not Trumps children, Ger seniskier Katan Shnoled Dome-
    drump has not done Giar and even yes same thing
    Reb has Smicha ?

  10. I just love the walk about……shame on this nonsense of trying to pit us against one another…..Trump is amazing , his family the same…..Leshon Hora….

  11. 1) trump loves Jews
    2) trump was an awesome president
    3) Trump had been doing idiotic things recently
    4) Jared was a big asset for trump
    5) This article and it’s headline are the lowest of the low. Shekel vechazav. Jared and Ivanka are done with politics. Hard Stop. Your headline pretending that this has to do with Kanye is such a pathetic lie. I swear, YWN, you guys are worse than the NYT.

  12. I’m guessing that Mr. Kushner did not want to wind up in Ottisville like his father did ergo the political ‘distancing’ from the former president aka his FIL.

  13. I’ve had enough of the desanctimonious ywn bashing Reb don at every turn what are u gonna do after he’s president? become the next msnbc? how many networks can we have with trump derangement syndrome

  14. “He INVITED a known antisemite to dine with him ”

    Thats a lie, Gadolhadorah. Trump didn’t INVITE him

    “Trump acknowledged the dinner in a post on Truth Social Friday stating: “This past week, Kanye West called me to have dinner at Mar-a-Lago.”

    As Trump said, he was in a catch 22, to refuse would make him racist, to accept would make him look associated, he would be in a bad spot either way and he chose the lesser of the two evils

  15. “I no longer can understand how any self-respecting frum jew can continue to support him after this latest scandal.”

    Duh, because this isn’t a scandal. Had Trump refused him, the whole black world would say Trump is a racist. And why exactly is Trump obligated to please your sensitivities? When Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem, were the muslims pleased? Of course not! Are you so self centered that Trump can ONLY do whatever YOU are maskim to and anything else is a scandal?

  16. “Trump is amazing , his family the same…”
    Yes. Truly amazing…he is descending into a black hole and it seems you want to join him down there. His daughter was the only remotely normal one and she is clearly done with his meshugaas

  17. mdd1, חס ושלום I’m not ‘justifying’ Anti-Semites. There are real ones who are either pure עמלק or plain עשו שונא ליעקב etc.
    But I’m sure there are so many goyim who are generally good people, but the only Jews they hear about are people like those I listed, and Kushner included, so I don’t blame them for their wrong understanding of what a Jew is.
    And it’s well known that ר’ סעדיה גאון writes on the פסוק in צפניה פרק ג: “שארית ישראל לא יעשו עולה ולא ידברו כזב” etc. that the גאולה cannot come while yidden are liars and cheaters because it will just be a חילול השם that he redeemed such a people… והבן

  18. It’s not Trump worship in the least bit. It’s a plain appreciation of what the man is and is not, based on pure observations without media-noise.

    Very level-headed people who know him have said he’s not an Anti-Semite – although the meeting was a “mistake” – like Marco Rubio, Larry Kuddlow, Kellyanne Conway and others. The least Kushner should do, out of plain decency and דרך ארץ, and plain הכרת הטוב, is to come out and say the same.

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