WHAT WAR? Moscow’s Kosher Supermarket Fully Stocked Amid Fighting [VIDEOS & PHOTOS]

While Russia has been made a pariah on the world stage over its invasion of Ukraine causing imports to be drastically limited, upon entering a kosher supermarket in Moscow, one might not get the whiff of war.

The supermarket has an advantage – it relies on a fully frum slaughterhouse in Moscow.

All of the meat is mehadrin min hamehadrin, allowing Jews in Moscow to have no lack for kosher meat despite other difficulties posed by the war.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

8 Responses

  1. It’s not a fair argument… it’s like me saying during Second World War my ancestries in the United States had steak and wine during the holocaust…
    Da they were in the United States walking in the shtetlachs of the lower East side

  2. Thank you Hashem for taking care of your children in their time of need!

    [Yet, maybe we should be wary of publicizing this now while the war still goes on.
    Let’s not forget the Rashi in last week’s parsha:
    “למה תתראו” – למה תראו עצמכם בפני בני ישמעאל ובני עשו כאלו אתם שבעים כי באותה שעה עדיין היה להם תבואה]

  3. thank you Hashem for showing your will……we can’t harm Russia for the gift of life during the Nazi’s…..may this be a protection from all.

  4. Can anyone see a kosher hechsher near any of the items.?
    It looks like a Queens NY Russian grocery store.
    Ahhhhh fake news?????
    Sausage in casing?
    Smoked lamb ribs?
    Fake kosher style

  5. It sad a “Jewish” newspaper copy-paste Russian propaganda…….. Very sad and very worrying to some. This is fake or you can name the store and street where it is located?

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