TEHILLIM: Yeshiva Bochur In Serious Condition After Struck By Hit-And-Run Vehicle On Ocean Parkway

A Yeshiva Bochur is in serious condition after he was struck by a hit-and-run vehicle in Flatbush.

The incident occurred on Sunday night at around 10PM, at the intersection of 18th Avenue and Ocean Parkway. Dash-cam footage provided to YWN shows a BMW in the turning lane waiting for the light to change, and at the last second, cuts across all 3 lanes of traffic, striking the victim who was riding a scooter at the time. The vehicle doesn’t even brake to see what he struck, but instead floors the pedal and gets away.

The boy was rushed to Maimonides Hospital by Flatbush Hatzolah.

Meanwhile, the NYPD arrived on the scene after Hatzolah had left and decided that since there was no one there, the incident had likely never occurred. In fact, a YWN reporter worked with Flatbush Shomrim for hours to secure dashcam footage, and had to involve high-ranking NYPD officials to convince them that a young boy was in fact at the hospital and in serious condition.

A few hours later, a report was taken, and Detectives are now investigating and searching for the vehicle. Sources tell YWN that there are speed cameras on that street, and it should be fairly easy for the NYPD to get a license plate and apprehend the driver.

 Please say Tehillim for Chaim ben Aliza.



The video below is being published for only one reason – that someone may recognize this vehicle, and justice will be served.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

20 Responses

  1. and justice will be served. The only possible acceptable justice to be served is having this evil savage driver struck by a vehicle; Anything short of that would be a total travesty of justice.

  2. According to the video it looks like the kid was riding his scooter in the middle of the intersection when in was green light for the cars.

  3. So the boy was crossing ovens parkway against the light not wearing a reflective belt not obey traffic lights Or common sense.
    It’s an accident tvst should not have happened and I’m sure in the future he’ll be more careful

  4. Probably fake plates. If cops want to end crimes across the city, the only think they need to do is drive up and down the city streets, and remove any vehicle with fake plates. Regular plates, out of state plates, temporary plates. Parked vehicles, vehicles that are in the road being driven. Call in every single member of the force, and and spend a few weekend night booting and towing unregistered vehicles. Drug crime will go down, murder will go down, package theft will go down, hit and run will go down.

  5. Scooters are dangerous. Period. Sad for the injured boy but others should learn:
    Use scooters with EXTREME caution.
    Don’t drive the scooter the way your father or mother drives their car.
    Car vs scooter – car always wins, often scooter rider gets hurt.
    Keep ALL the traffic rules (don’t jump a red light!).

  6. Hope the victim has a R’S.

    The driver really messed up by leaving the scene. If the driver would’ve stayed, it’s possible that no charges would have been filed. From the looks of the video, the victim was crossing against a light without any reflective gear in the middle of the night. Now, even if the driver is completely vindicated of the actual accident, a hit and run charge applies.

  7. While the driver is 100% wrong for not stopping, kids have to learn to be less reckless with their scooters. As far as I can tell he went on a red light and wasn’t even wearing reflectors. I see kids riding recklessly all the time as if they were invincible. He should have a refuah shleima b’karov and should be able to tell all other kids to ride safer than he was.

  8. The article is not the same as video. It looks like the BMW was in a rush but did try to avoid the victim. Besides, the BMW drove green while the victim crossed at red.

  9. Would someone tell 147 that Hammurabi is not a Torah sage.

    I don’t know the facts in this case, but I can tell you that a lot of nudniks dress in black at night and j-walk. I would suggest high-visibility safety vests for any pedestrian who dresses in black or dark clothing at night. It will protect yourself and protect me, and other drivers, from having to live with the guilt of squishing you.

  10. Unless this video was altered, and as painful as it is to say, it clearly looks like this bachur was largely at fault. As a way for people to understand how careful riders of electric scooters need to be, it should be noted that he didn’t even enter the crosswalk until at least 1.5 seconds after the light turned green. Even if the car who hit him did not hit him, the 3 cars heading in the other direction had already started to go and there is a good chance that one of them would have hit him. PLEASE, we must be more careful. Wear reflectors, Wear helmets and most importantly, be aware that many drivers are meshuganah and so everyone crossing a street, whether on a scooter, walking and especially someone pushing a baby carriage, PLEASE look VERY carefully before you cross. Assume that the drivers won’t obey the rules of the road and if you do so, that will be an extra zchus of histhadlus. May he have a refuah shleimah b’karov. PS- Perhaps schools can hold a brief course each semester on crossing the street safely, starting at a young age. I am sorry that I had to write this comment, yet I felt it needed to be said…

  11. To all those stating that the boy is at fault:
    I’d like to point out, the hit and run driver was actually in the 4th lane which is the turning lane ONLY.
    Had the driver been in a regular lane he would have noticed the boy instead of having the need to slam on the gas as soon as the light turned green.
    He is 100% at fault…..

  12. The BMW driver was driving recklessly. He went at a high speed from the turning lanes into the regular lanes cutting off other cars as well.

  13. The guy was wrong for not stopping, but: he had 3sec from the moment he started (when they boy wasn’t even in the street yet) to notice and stop. Most of us can’t react that fast, when a fast moving thing in black in the dark appears out of the corner of our vision, when we least expect it (green light). For those saying he was in a turning lane, sure, but how many of you haven’t done the same thing or similar at the last moment? Stop acting like it’s some sacrosanct rule.

  14. Also: YWN says ‘cuts across all 3 lanes of traffic’. It was 1, according the video YWN themselves publish. I can’t decide if this is purposeful sheker, or the writer just making up details they didn’t know, but either way, wow. What a low to stoop to.

  15. @Bklyntrucker
    Do you really applaud the driver for his illegal driving? he used the left turn lane to get ahead then floored the pedal so he could merge into the straight lanes ahead or the other drivers.

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