SHOCK: Anti-Jewish New York Times Creates Crossword Puzzle in Shape of Swastika

The New York Times, whose hatred for Jews has been documented for decades, and which has been going on attack after attack against religious Jews, has now stooped to a new, shocking low: creating a crossword puzzle whose silhouette bears an uncanny resemblance to a Nazi swastika.

Orthodox Jews can now accept the Times’ Sunday puzzle as a “Chanukah gift” from the same publication that kept the systemic murder of 6 million Jews off the front covers of its papers.

During the Holocaust, the New York Times barely mentioned the mass extermination of Europe’s Jews. Out of 24,000+ front-page stories over the course of the Holocaust, the systemic murder of Jews by the Nazis was mentioned a total of 26 times, and even then usually referred to the victims as “refugees” or “persecuted minorities.” The paper’s anti-Semitism is baked into their modus operandi.

The disturbing crossword puzzle was published for the Times’ Sunday publication and prompted condemnation from Jewish groups and leaders.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

30 Responses

  1. 2 things…
    It’s hard to see the shape but I guess if you’re looking for it then you will.see it even.if it’s not so.
    Secondly… STOP giving platform to your enemies… they’ll just ire your nerves more and more out of their enjoyment.

  2. The NY Times, like the LA Times or any other major city newspaper, isn’t fit to line the bottom of my bird cage. That said, there’s a very large decorative rock in front of my home that, when the sunlight hits it just right, looks like Yoshka.

  3. My first reaction was to dismiss this as a far-fetched attempt to find antisemitism in every cup of tea.

    On second thought, maybe it was intended as a mockery of the Times’ predilection for finding “alt-right dog whistles” in every movement of a Republican. If so, outstanding work.

  4. 1. Imagine Anti-Semitism
    2. Cry Antisemitism
    3. Call anyone who questions you an Antisemite.
    Repeat, repeat, repeat until no one listens anymore.

  5. Why is this a “SHOCK!”???
    This is the NYT being the NYT – as clearly shown in the article. Why is anyone being shocked that they are openly antisemitic? It’s like being shocked that a lion ate a zebra or that Joe Bibblyboo Biden made a gaffe…

    That said, Teal is right. Stop giving these miscreants a platform and regurgitating their vomit. It’s not like making a public outcry is going to change anything – this is not a government body or a city council that can be sued for breaking laws, they’re a privately held company that will continue to do what they do until a meteor comes down on their building – and probably even that won’t stop them…

  6. Oh please.
    I hate the NYT but this is just ridiculous.
    I hope no one calls them out on this.
    That’ll just help convince them we’re all paranoid nuts and they don’t have to pay any attention when we’re protesting the real thing, which happens way too often.

  7. Rabbi Benjamin Blech said:

    It is time for Jews to say to the New York Times: “we’ve had enough.”

    SOURCE: J’Accuse by Rabbi Benjamin Blech, 2014/7/30 AISH dot com
    Rabbi Haskel Lookstein permanently stopped reading the New York Times.

    SOURCE: Time’s Up for the New York Times in My Home by Haskel Lookstein, 2019/5/13 algemeiner dot com
    Rabbi Steven Pruzansky said:

    “In the genocidal war being waged against the Jewish people, the New York Times is an accomplice.”

    SOURCE: A New Low, a blog article by Rabbi Steven Pruzansky, 2015/10/29 RabbiPruzansky dot com
    Mr. Dennis Prager said:

    “The New York Times has been in the forefront of the Left’s hysterical, hate-filled attacks on police officers and whites.”

    SOURCE: The New York Times and the Left Have Blood on Their Hands by Dennis Prager, 2016 July 12, JewishWorldReview dot com
    “One [New York] Times opinion editor, Matt Seaton, even admitted last year [2014 CE] that the newspaper has a policy of VEERING AWAY FROM CRITICISM OF PALESTINIANS.”

    SOURCE: Final sentence of article titled: “New York Times Editor: Coverage of Israel Most Criticized Aspect of Opinion Pages”
    by Shiryn Ghermezian, 2015 October 14, algemeiner dot com
    “I find it especially distasteful the New York Times will not report that college campuses have refused to let the FBI interview Muslim students who have been planning attacks on Jewish organizations on campuses, particularly in the Midwest.

    It just isn’t Politically Correct to report those things about Muslims, so they don’t.”

    SOURCE: Kristopher Irizarry-Hoeksema, 2014 August 29
    “The [New York] Times has a longstanding aversion to reporting straight-on demonization of the Jewish people…”

    SOURCE: ‘New York Times’ ends the year with an epic Israel smear by Andrea Levin, 2019/1/1, JNS dot org

  8. It is impossible for it to have been by chance, being that it is perfectly symmetrical. Shame on the NYT. Subtle anti-semitism at its worst.

  9. This is all in line with the New York Times’ daily hypocritical tendency to find racism, right wing extremism, Q Anon, and every other bane of the left under every rock in conservative quarters.

  10. This is only a “SHOCK” for anyone who has not been paying attention to what has been going on for the past …. 75 years…

  11. This is an non-story. I hope it’s a troll.

    I’m the crossword editor for a certain heimishe Brooklyn paper. Except for a very small handful, the overwhelming majority of crossword constructors are notoriously uber-liberal. To think that one of these woke constructors would purposefully create a grid pattern emulating a swastika, is completely absurd.

  12. This is one of the most ignorant articles I have ever read. Did anyone ever hear of “The boy who cried wolf?” Antisemitism is on the rise. Do you think anyone will take it seriously when we call out real antisemitism if we get bent out of shape by an obvious coincidence. If they wanted to make it in the shape of a swastika, which I’m sure they didn’t want to do, they would have made a swastika, not something that resembles a swastika, if you look close enough. This complaint is just plain stupid!

  13. @Gadolhadorah: I think we agree about once every two years on YWN, but you are spot on in this case!
    This article and the surrounding paranoia are stupid and would be hilarious if not for the incredible inherent disrespect they exude for victims of real anti-Semitism: the victims of the Crusades, the Holocaust, the inquisition, the Yidden during the Chanukah story…
    This is such a joke.

  14. Really do you see a swastika? I looked at it this morning. I looked at it this evening and I just don’t see any swastika. I think one guy with a great imagination is seeing things and everyone is following him like a bunch of lemmings.

  15. CA: Thats a good place to start, along with the left-wing crazies who seek to establish a moral equivalence between Palestinian “resistance” to the occupation and efforts by EY to defend itself against non-stop terrorist attacks.

  16. “Mecca resident,” “Muslim leader,” Cratzmach film, …, and only one Yiddish word (“kvell”). Whoever wrote this sure seems at first to be out against the YWN readers, but look closely at 36 DOWN!!! They’re on your side after all QANON brothers and sisters!!!

  17. If you are looking for a swastika you will find one, be it on a piece of burnt toast, a fabric pattern or a crossword. When I worked this puzzle I never noticed the swastika, most of the folks here have never worked a NYT crossword or understand the design.

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