THIRD WORLD: New York City Homelessness Hits Record High

Homelessness in New York City hit a record high in October, according to the Coalition for the Homeless, with the average number of people sleeping in shelters each night rising to 66,000.

The Coalition for the Homeless said the primary cause for the growing crisis is the city’s failure to provide adequate affordable housing to needy residents.

And while Mayor Eric Adams launched his subway safety plan back in February to move homeless people out of the subway system and into shelters, just 30% of those moved to the shelters remained there for longer than a week, according to data obtained by the New York Daily News.

Many homeless people who were moved to the shelters said they don’t feel safe there and that the shelters have strict rules, like curfews.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)


3 Responses

  1. It鈥檚 unfortunate, the truth is that the state made it so that we as Jews will be Avodim
    First they made us develop the buildings
    Secondly they made us design it
    Third they turned us into plumbers and electricians
    Then they made us take 30 year mortgage on those buildings
    Then to make sure that we are the definition of avodim they taxed us under special Tax Codes (of course under the help of other Yidim)
    Olam Keminago Noeg
    Now they found away to put those Homeless people in Boutique Hotels

  2. I just returned from Miami and had to step around plenty of homeless people sleeping on the streets, near all their possessions in wagons. And that’s DeSantis territory! I’m no Democrat, but this looks like a widespread problem that needs more creative solutions besides screaming mindlessly that it’s Mayor Adams and the Democrats’ fault.

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