Donald Trump to Address Torah U’Mesorah President’s Conference on Friday

Former President Donald Trump will meet with Orthodox education officials and address the crowd at the Torah U’Mesorah President’s Conference this Friday at his National Doral Club in Miami.

The speech to Torah U’Mesorah will come less than a month after the former president met with two notorious antisemites – Kanye West and Nick Fuentes – at his Mar-a-Lago estate. He has not apologized or condemned either of them since the meeting, and there is no word on whether he plans to do so in his address.

“I had never heard of the man — I had no idea what his views were, and they weren’t expressed at the table in our very quick dinner, or it wouldn’t have been accepted,” Trump told Fox News.

Additionally, Trump last week blasted “Jewish leaders” for a lack of loyalty to him and ignoring his record on antisemitism and Israel.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

39 Responses

  1. i can only imagine the reaction of yiddishe watchdog groups for inviting trump. and if trump is followed by “2 surprise guests”…i mean Torah Umesorah would be voted as anti semites of the next century…lol😉

  2. The media will go after orthodox jews with an even bigger vengeance now. This has got to be one of the stupidest moves ever made.

  3. He is using TU to clear up his Nazi tarnished history without apologizing for meeting with two nazis who “he didnt know”. Sure.

  4. I disagree with all of you. I actually think this is what Torah Umasorah is all about. CHINUCH.

    No greater CHINUCH then forgiveness.

    We forgive Trump.

    You can be a Jew hater and we still forgive you.

  5. It is sad to see a venerable Torah organization become political. Please call TU at 212.227.1000 and tell them it is unacceptable.

  6. ferd- how much did u give TU in the last 3 years?
    a polotician can meet anybody to talk its actions that count ( not just trump even bill & hillary)
    i agree he has no chance , but it gives unpf to the weekend

  7. Trump presidency showed you he was a Jew hater?? Where were you the last four years when he released rubashkin and moved the embassy to Jerusalem…ye..he must hate Jews!

  8. I for one think this is a great decision. Its very likely Trump will be the next president. No different then Satmar and skver who endorsed Houchal.

  9. nothing personal against anyone in particular, but do a bedika who is going to this convention. Many, many shady people to say the least.

    trump will be in good company.

    I’ll stop now.

  10. Trump likes the Jews more than any president in recent past. Please don’t say silly things about him. He has also done more for Jews than any president, Rubashkin, moved the embasssy, treatment of Israel, Abraham accords, and the list goes on. He has numerous Jewish friends and even family.

  11. Rabbosai…Mi K’amcha Yisroel
    This is mamash the biggest thing ever-a former president speaking to mamash all the biggest gedolim in chinuch today. This is mamah the footsteps of the geula…why cant you see that???

  12. He’s not exactly our role model of good midos but he did a lot of good for the country and a lot for Yidden. He deserves our respect and gratitude. I think this was definitely a good move.

  13. יחי אדוני הנשיא דונלד טרומפ לעולם and rest assured that skverer rebbe & aharonite satmar rebbe shan’t be attending this meeting

  14. The conference is being held in the TRUMP hotel. So even if you were persuaded that trump is a certified sonei yisroel it would be hard to say no. Secondly many supporters of chareidi organizations are right wingers and loved trump for the past few years. And for sure no one wants him getting insulted and taking it out on frum community. Who cares if it turns the convention to a circus, is there anyone that believes the convention is anything other than a fundraiser? Is there any other point to the convention other than attracting wealthy people to give money? Let’s not fool ourselves to think this is a seudas mitzvah

  15. Who’s in charge at TU? What’s going on? They put themselves forward as representing our Torah institutions. Terrible decision. Heads need to roll.

  16. And he we are all busy with sinas yisroel on social media.

    just wait for this thing to explode. And kiss the goverment funding goodbye for torah umisora

  17. Who cares if it turns the convention to a circus, is there anyone that believes the convention is anything other than a fundraiser? Is there any other point to the convention other than attracting wealthy people to give money?
    @groissechuchum-you are correct…this TU event serves absolutely no purpose other than to rally the troops for another RAYZE-IT fundraising campaign. What exactly does TU even do anymore? All askanus is handled by Agudah….
    There will no doubt be Mr Hocker in attendance who will purchase $10K worth of Trumps NFT and distribute…Oh! I cant wait for the pictures!!!
    YIW please please please promise to post!
    Mi K’amcha Yisroel!!!

  18. If you ever attended the TU event you would know that it is a major chinuch chizuk event of the highest order attended by administrators of almost all our mosdos and by askanim of all stripes.
    For years this event has been at this Trump hotel. It’s only logical and a smart move to allow Trump to speak there
    Kol Hakovod to TU

  19. Since we’re all great at presenting our opinion without even knowing the history a d current issue that prompted this. I don’t know either but some very, very dedicated people are working hard for the betterment of our Mosdos, let’s just stick our noses out of where they don’t belong. Not one commenter ahead if me (I commented after #24) knows the other side if the story! How old we possibly “pasken” without hearing their justification! Perhaps there’s something we all do not know!!

  20. “Additionally, Trump last week blasted “Jewish leaders” for a lack of loyalty to him and ignoring his record on antisemitism and Israel”.

    Trump blasted the reform movement, not religious Yidden who he knows voted for him and support him. Most “jews” did not vote for him and he knows it. TU is doing a great chesed for Klall YIsroel showing that we Orthodox Jews love him and are makir tov. Besides for a few jewhaters on YWN.

  21. “Kol Hakovod to TU”
    You are correct-TU is the ONLY real org that cares for us Yidden. TU pouts their necks out week in and week out for us. They should be g’bentched. If it wasn’t for TU then we all would still be in public school like it was in the 40s and 50s and even 60s. And you know what that means…it means that we would have to learn about Toaiva and similar subjects and its mamasjh a nais that TU still does all it does. the fact that they have Pres Trump is mamash a coup and it will help TU grow ever higher. They are the oonlt frum org who has not thrown him under the bus. Really what they should do is elect him as the new Exec VP of TU-now that would mamsh be gevaldip. (sorry I just tasted one of the dips from gevaldip and they are amazing) anyhow to TU and Pres Trump I say Mi K’amcha Yisroel!

  22. Just to be fair to the TU, there will be a mikvah set up just outside the Doral so that attendees will be able to toivel to remove the tumah and stench of this racist anti-semite before returning home. Its beyond belief that this highly respected organization that has done so much for yidden and yiddeskeit for decades would degrade themselves to this degree, but $$ apparently trump all other considerations.

  23. This is abhorrent. All else aside, one thing Trump is not is a role model for Yiddishe kinder. How does it look to kids when their educators and menahelim are putting him on a pedestal?

  24. And just to be sure; Hello Yidden, this is the TU presidents conf…DUH! We need THE President to speak to us!
    Yidden unite around pres. Trump. YU makes the moves yet again shkoach to their board of directors and executive committee!
    Mi K’amcha Yisroel

  25. It seems that Trump asked if he could speak and the question was if TU should say no and Rav Shmuel and other Roshei Yeshivos all felt that they can not say no once he asked.

  26. Fascinating
    There was actually 1 commentator here that pointed out that no one actually knows the backstory behind this decision , and are rushing to spout opinions without knowing the facts.

    Nice to know that there are still some people who consider what they say before they talk, and understand that there may actually be more to a story than meets the eye in a news headline.

  27. @Yaapchik & @maskildoresh – everyone knows the backstory. Backstory is that someone thought it would be a great idea.
    My personal view (if am I entitled to an opinion), is, being that this is a convention to inspire chinuch and mechanchim it should be an extremely focused event without distractions or confusing/dubious messages.
    It’s hard for me not to conclude (deduce) that a certain disingenuousness created the environment that allowed for this to come to be.

  28. Even if the Trumpkopf asked to speak, these chashuvah rabbonim should have insisted he first issue a clear and unqualified repudiation of the vile anti-Semites he recently dined with.

  29. @FERD you never gave a penny! I love those guys who threaten and never gave a red cent in the first place. lol! We wont miss you!

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