DARK HORSE? The Republican Senator Who Could Upend the 2024 Presidential Race

FILE - In this June 17, 2020, file photo, Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., accompanied by Republican senators speaks at a news conference to announce a Republican police reform bill on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, File)

When discussing the Republican Party’s candidates in the 2024 presidential primaries, political pundits almost always boil it down to two names: former President Donald Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. But there’s a dark horse candidate who could very well become the GOP nominee, if only based on how those in the party are talking about him.

That person is Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, the only black Republican in the Senate.

On Monday, six GOP senators were quoted heaping praise on Scott, who is well known for both his conservative policies and values, as well as for being a deeply respectful and nice human being.

“Joni Ernst is “very excited” about a potential Tim Scott presidential run. John Cornyn would “advise him to go for it.” And John Barrasso said it “doesn’t get any better than Tim Scott,”‘ wrote Politico’s Marianne Levine.

“Even Sen. Lindsey Graham, who spent much of Donald Trump’s presidency sticking to his side, said he’s intrigued by the possibility of a Scott presidential bid in 2024 and wants to see “what Tim does” before he makes any endorsements.

“Scott would “bring something to the table on day one,” Graham said, adding his South Carolina colleague has “one of the most compelling stories of any Republican out there.'”

Scott was also showered with praise from Senator Thom Tillis who said Scott “is increasing in national prominence and [within] the party,” and Senator Kevin Cramer who called the South Carolina senator “one of the more … endearing and interesting personalities in the Republican conference, and one of the most talented.”

“Everybody’s probably assessing it, trying to determine how much impact some of that has on [Trump’s] viability. But I don’t think there’s any question that it’s probably at least caused some people to consider, or reconsider, or perhaps embolden some, so we’ll see,” said Senator John Thune.

So, while we all talk about Trump vs. DeSantis, Tim Scott might just sneak in there as the 2024 GOP nominee.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

14 Responses

  1. There are many prominent Republicans, of whom Scott is one, who have remained on speaking terms with Donald Trump, but have sometimes disagreed publicly with him. The two requirements for a successful Republican presidential candidate are that Donald Trump can enthusiastically endorse them (so they can keep support for the MAGA factions) while being sufficiently independent of Trump, and far removed from some of his follies, that the rest of the Republican party will enthusiastically support him.

    Scott has a working class, non-elite, background with views that are very much more traditional Republican than MAGA, but he appears to have kept up good relations with Trump. He is from a small, very red state (as opposed to DeSantis who is from a very large, purple state).

  2. At least if Tim Scott or Vice President Mike Pence נ”י or Nicky Hailey run they can pick President Donald Trump שליט”א as a running mate and broker peace amongst Trump supporters, whereas by law deSetantis cannot appoint President Donald Trump שליט”א as his vice president since they are both Floridans

  3. I know Tim Scott tangentially. He is a Chaver Tov of the Jewish People . He has a lot of Hakaros Hatov to the Jewish people. When he was young it was a kind Jewish boss, that encouraged him to go to school and took care of him etc..

  4. 1. Why would Trump want to be vice president? It makes no sense.

    2. There is no law preventing two Floridians from running together. They would just have to win by a big enough margin that they don’t both need all of Florida’s electors to vote for them. Florida will have 30 electors out of 538, so if a Desantis/Rubio ticket were to get at least 285 electors the Florida ones could split: 15 could vote for Desantis and someone else, and 15 for someone else and Rubio.

    Even if they only got 270, it would still work, so long as the Rs captured the senate. All 270 would vote for Desantis, giving him a majority. 268 electors would vote for the Dem VP candidate, 255 would vote for Rubio, and 15 for some other Republican. 268 is not a majority, so the senate would decide between the two front-runners, i.e. Rubio and whomever the Dems ran.

  5. Tim Scott is a longtime friend of Israel. Check out Nick Muzin, one of Scott’s key advisors. Muzin is a young Orthodox Jew and Y.U. alumnus who holds an M.D. from Einstein and a J.D. from Yale. A real ben Torah who has for years led a Gemara shiur. Very impressive young fellow.

  6. Not everything is racist, It is an old terminology, meaning a horse that was not known to gamblers, a black swan, someone you never figured on who was hidden. Is calling a spade a spade racist?

  7. 1. A purple state is one in which control has been seriously contested with recent years. Thus Florida is “purple” so that having a Floridian on the ticket will help. Also note that the Vice-President and the President can’t be from the same state – if this became a problem one of them could move their residence at least on paper.

    2. Trump on the ticket is sort of like guaranteeing a Democratic win. Similarly, having a Republican ticket that is not supported by Trump will also guarantee a Democratic win. Also, a strictly “MAGA” platform (isolationist/pro-Putin, nativist/anti-immigrant, complaining about the 2020 election and refusing to campaign for early vote and postal ballots) will alienate the traditional Republicans (think Reagan/Bush) – so the winning formula for the Republicans is to find anyone not named Trump, whom Donald Trump will “bless”, whose background and ideology are tolerable to both wings of the Republican party (and disregarding that the MAGA wing, i.e. the “Deplorables”, are new converts to the Republicans). It would also help if the Republican politicians go back to the old Reagan area rule (don’t speak ill of a fellow Republican) instead of people RINO and then being surprised that can’t win their support in November.

  8. Reb eliezer,

    “That person is Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, the only black Republican in the Senate.“

    Why are they bringing in that

    Why do I keep on hearing MLK in the background?


    On Monday, six GOP senators were quoted heaping praise on Scott, who is well known for both his conservative policies and values, as well as for being a deeply respectful and nice human being.

    Does that mean that most conservatives aren’t nice people?

  9. At the pace that special prosecutor Jack Smith is going, Trump will probably be in jail by the time 2024 comes around. Ron DeSantis will most likely be the Republican nominee which is a very good thing because his record of being good to Yiden is perfect. I live in Florida and can vouch for this.

  10. Akuperma, there’s nothing preventing the election of a president and VP from the same state.

    R Shlomo, For Trump to go to prison he’d need to be convicted, not just charged, and that’s not up to the prosecutor. Since as far as anyone knows he hasn’t committed any crimes, the chance of convicting him is slim. But in any case, supposing he were in prison, there’s no reason he couldn’t run from there. He just wouldn’t be able to travel to his rallies. He’d have to address them remotely, and have proxies appear in his place.

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