REVELATIONS COMING? Musk Says His Pronouns Are “Prosecute/Fauci”

(Greg Nash/Pool via AP)

In an early-morning tweet on Sunday, Twitter owner Elon Musk took a swipe at outgoing White House chief medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci, writing, “My pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci.”

Musk has been recently releasing troves of data to journalists showing how Twitter, under its previous leadership, stifled conservative voices and suppressed the dissemination of the Hunter Biden laptop scandal story. His latest tweet, however, shows that he might soon be releasing damning information about Fauci, who led the federal government’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Republicans in the House of Representatives have already vowed to launch investigations into the retiring Fauci, but revelations that could come from Musk might pose a bigger danger to the octogenarian Fauci than anything Republicans can dig up on their own.

Before Musk purchased Twitter for $44 billion, the social media platform routinely suspended anyone who called into question anything Fauci said about the Covid-19 pandemic, including his pushback against the lab leak theory, his insistence that lockdowns were necessary and that masks helped mitigate the spread of the virus.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

14 Responses

  1. Wait till people discover the bias going on at Fox…and Facebook…and YouTube…and the Wall Street Journal…and the New York Post…and the Epoch Times…and Breitbart…and the Daily Caller…and the Sinclair TV stations…and NewsMax…and Washington Times…and now Elon Musk’s Twitter

  2. Four sudden deaths this past week of young people in Beit Shemesh. This morning there was an announcement in a Bnei Brak supermarket for Cohanim to leave as a shopper had a heart attack and died suddenly.

  3. JJ: The Trump vaccine SAVED many lives. His Operation Warp Speed that developed and distributed the Covid vaccine is one of the few positive things he accomplished.

  4. Hey Gadol
    If that were true, a single word you said, that the vaccine saved lives , we wouldn’t have had MANY MORE DEAths in 2021 than we had in 2020. But yup
    Even though in 2020 people were literally murdered through neglect, we still had more deaths in 2021. Explain that

  5. Hey sairay, we had many more deaths in 2021 because we ended all COVID restrictions and let the virus spread like wildfire, killing the unvaccinated and the immune compromised.

  6. modern:
    On what planet?
    It was the “vaccinated” that got hurt or worse. Cases were going down prior to the introduction and mandating of the shots.

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