LAKEWOOD: Yeshiva Bochur Stabbed Inside Yeshiva, Suspect In Custody

A Yeshiva Bochur was stabbed inside a Yeshiva on Thursday afternoon, Lakewood Alerts is reporting.

The incident happened at a yeshiva on Cross Street at around 5:00PM.

The victim was taken by Lakewood Hatzolah to the Jersey Shore Trauma Center in serious but stable condition.

A suspect is in custody.



(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)


27 Responses

  1. Lakewood too is golus. There may be yeshivas there and holy yidden but it doesn’t reach the floor of EY in terms of potential for Kedusha.

  2. @lakewhut

    I agree with you

    This is unbelievable, we should strive for EY while we are mst definitely in glius, though where are we suposed to go?

  3. @Koltov7 Yes, the only potential murderers in Lakewood are the kids in the off the Derech programs. Right. You seriously gotta get some normal world views man

  4. I didn’t say it was a yid that did anything in particular. Its just that its more likely to occur within such a setting in my experience.

  5. “This is unbelievable, we should strive for EY while we are mst [sic] definitely in glius [sic], though where are we suposed [sic] to go?”
    You answered your own question – you’re SUPPOSED to be in E”Y. But it’s OK, y’all just keep sitting there and ignoring the overt antisemitism . . . just like they did in Germany. “It can’t happen here.” But it is happening there.

  6. Defend:

    I think you are displaying a degree of chutzpah that exceeds that of the kids in the OTD programs. The reality is that those kids are generally murder victims, where they have been traumatized in various ways by their authority figures. What you are missing is that poor midos, especially bein odom lachaveiroh, exist in the mainstream yeshiva world, and are alive and well, being ignored by the Roshei Hayeshivos and the Mashgichim. And they push for hasmodoh and excellence in learning while ignoring the fundamental midos that are required to actually succeed in learning. Remember ויחן שם ישראל, the prelude to מתן תורה? How about דרך ארץ קדמה לתורה? Or are you drinking koolaid, too?

    Wake up, recognize what Torah learning really is, and take notice that perfection is not achieved by anyone on this world. And your inane comment proves that you are one of us, imperfect. Address your flaws. The greatest of our leaders of the generations taught us that our main tachlis in this world is not לימוד התורה, but it is תיקון המידות. Check the first page of מסילת ישרים. Check out the גר”א in the אבן שלמה. Next, show us how you will help return HKB”H’s children to Him that have strayed. Show us how you with follow His midah of אלקים יבקש את הנרדף.

  7. I give credit to those few Roshei Yeshiva who constantly remind the boys of how terrible it is to Verbally Bully another boy. If this attacker was constantly being bullied, again and again, we can not really judge him. A thirteen year old boy in such a matzav simply can not control his frustration. Al Todon es Chaveircho Ad ….

  8. @little i know you certainly only know a little. A kid goes off the derech and you say, oh it’s not his fault, just love them and other stupid platitudes. However that’s not the correct attitude. A kid that goes off the derech is a kid who has just can’t control his yetzer harah, and seeks to justify his actions by saying he has a hard life. And you fell for it. Wake up and realize everyone has nisyonos and this kid failed his. Every bachur in yeshiva has nisyonos and even if they fail, they get back up and do better next time. And there are many solid bachurim out there that have had extremely hard lives, yet they are shteiging. This kid who goes otd is pashut someone who can’t control his taivos, and therefore drops everything justifying it with his “hard life”. Life isn’t meant to be easy, otherwise there is no reason for a person to come to this world. So any kid who goes otd, besides that there is no mitzvah of ואהבת לרעך כמוך for kids otd, simply has issues, so instead of wasting your time “loving” them, just find them a good therapist.
    And don’t try to blame Rebbeim and other authority figures, who do an amazing job, because that just sounds childish, and once again just trying to justify bad decisions.

  9. R’ Lazer:

    Your comment is shameful, and outright ignorant. I wish you to never need to confront the OTD issue personally. I have worked tirelessly with countless mechanchim, parents, and Gedolei Yisroel. Your perspective is so wrong, it borders on being abusive. It is beyond inconsiderate to see the OTD kid as the rosho. They may have difficulty in controlling their yetzer horah, and maybe you do a better job in those regards. But you have your struggles, and I will not suggest you specify them here.

    Perhaps you should open a Chumash Bamidbor. Klal Yisroel were OTD many times. Eigel, misonnenim, asafsuf, meraglim, Korach, mai merivoh, and more. Did Hashem just snuff them out as you wish to do? No, we’re His children, and he never abandoned us. What did Klal Yisroel eat for breakfast the morning of the maaseh eigel? Guess what? Mohn. By Korach, they ate Mohn. On and on. Throwing away Hashem’s children is inexcusable.

    Now, talk to the experts, including the Gedolei Yisroel. The OTD kid that’s being mechalel Shabbos needs to be embraced, not cast away. Your old school method is neither effective, nor is it free of the crime of retzicho.

    You made a statement that is blatanty false, perhaps even blasphemous. You claim that there is no mitzvah of ואהבת לרעך כמוך pertaining to the OTD child. Where in Heaven’s name did you get that from? All the Gedolei Yisroel for several generations have stated openly that this is untrue, dangerous, and unacceptable. I am not the one making limitations or exceptions to one of the Taryag mitzvos. You are. And you have the burden of proof. Until then, I find your comment brazen chutzpah.

  10. reb laizer (small r in reb intended). You are just afraid of the hashpaa of the otd kids on you or your kids. you have a very small mind. You are simply a adam katan. you don’t know anything about the multiple reasons why a child could go otd. Clearly, you have never suffered any real type of abuse. Imagine being raped by your father? or your daughter being raped by her older brother [80% of sexual abuse is from trusted members of the abused family] try to put yourself in the shoes of such a person? for 5 minutes, be misbonein what type of rage you might have..what about if your rebbe took your phone and smashed it into pieces saying its avoda zara to have a phone? real case in a lakewood mesivta…would you love Hashem and his representatives if this happened to you? your level of ignorance is unmatched. you are a “talmid chocham” who has zero tochen and a nevailah serucha is better than you!! see chovos halevavos…
    read 10 articles on sexual abuse , go volunteer at a center for these children, get some actual experience, interview 10 otd boys and 10 otd girls, get educated about porn addiction and drug addiction, read some medical studies on its effects on healthy brain development,
    stop thinking that the few mussar seforim that you read and the long beard you might stroke multiple times a day makes you an expert on anything and then come back after all this research and start pontificating about otd kids…
    your real problem isn’t your stupidity, its your arrogance!! you are very sick!! there is a special place in hell for you, and its idiots like you who cause Hashems children to hate him
    Avrohom Aveinu will not catch you when you are thrown into hell bc you might not have an external orlah but you sure have a orlas halev

  11. Stabbing automatically >>> Prison for life without possibility of parole:- No exceptions {other than self defense};
    Any verbal differences, must stay verbal or get someone else to intervene, but no stabbing EVER

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