REST IN PEACE: Fox News Op-Ed Gives Eulogy on Donald Trump’s Political Career

FILE - Former President Donald Trump speaks at a rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Sept. 3, 2022. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer, File)

The political career of former President Donald Trump is now deceased following the loss of his handpicked candidate Herschel Walker in the Georgia Senate runoff election, a Fox News op-ed says.

Contributor Liz Peek said Walker “wrote Donald Trump’s political obituary” when he lost the very winnable Georgia race against Democrat Raphael Warnock, and urged Trump to hang up the cleats and ride off into the sunset due to the humiliating defeat.

“Having suffered the rare humiliation of failing to win a second term in the Oval Office, and having cost his party a majority in the Senate – three times – it is time for Donald Trump to step away from politics. It is the right thing to do for his party, for the country, and for himself,” Peek wrote.

“Mr. Trump will not win another election,” she continued. “His most glaring political strength today is his ability to energize Democrats, causing not only historic turnout but attracting gushers of campaign cash – for the opposition.”

Peek noted that Trump was “a breath of fresh air” when he first ran for the presidency in 2016, and that he was successful while in the White House.

“But his refusal to admit defeat in the 2020 election, and the tragic aftermath of that refusal, shut the door on his political career,” Peek asserts. “After January 6, and having publicly nursed his grievances for two years, there is no comeback.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

13 Responses

  1. he fills up stadiums, while Biden can fill up a small gym, all the news is coming out how they stole the elections from trump. just look at the new twitter files released by Elon musk. trump was right the whole time corruption is very bad in America, just look at what’s going on in the streets in ny, don’t tell me people votes for this garbage its just against common sense to be pro crime and have no law and order. there’s cheating going on and FAKE NEWS aint reporting it

  2. “Trump is finished”, “He’s never going to win”, “Now he’s toast”, etc. etc. etc. We’ve heard this before. The RBS”O made him win once, and if He so wills it, he’ll win again. True, al pi derech hateva, this time would be even a greater miracle, but as it says היד ה’ תקצר…. Compared to ALL other presidents he’s clearly the biggest oheiv Yisroel and it was Chasdei Hashem he was president when he was. (The extraordinary k’fiyas tova shown by so many Jews – and highlighted by YWN is shameful and dangerous. And it just comes from parroting the mainstream leftist news outlets אשר פיהם דיבר שוא. There’s not one word that comes out of their mouths that has any semblance to the truth; i.e. “the inflation reduction act”, or today’s “respect for marriage act”, etc. Russia, Ukraine, Steele Dossier, etc. they haven’t stopped going after Trump in the most obsessed and insane way possible from day one. If a Jew doesn’t know how to see the truth between all the lies that are spewed by a leftist gov’t-media-academia trio, he’s in a lot of trouble, because his deios are unquestionably molded or at least affected by the garbage he reads and hears.)
    Al pi derech hateva, it does look like a long shot for Trump, but the pathetic cheerleading against Trump by YWN to try to sound like the anti G-d / anti Torah / anti truth media, is sickening.
    It’s either mean tweets, or runaway inflation & open borders & pro immorality & pro abortion etc.
    [Funny how much attention Trump got for meeting with an unknown psycho (fuentes); how many headlines screaming about Biden meeting with omar, tlaib, aoc, and presley, a squad of vicious and virulent anti semites who actually are known and officially have power in congress?! It’s not that there’s a double standard when it comes to Trump – it’s that there’s no standard unless it comes to Trump.]

  3. Hashem runs the world. Hashem wanted him to be in power for whatever time he was, he did what he needed to do and then Hashem sent this virus that threw the world into a complete turmoil, Hashem sent the George Floyd riots, and in general, an unbreathable environment in which it was impossible to be re-elected. He lost. He could have had another chance had he moved on, even if he wanted to initially say the election was stolen. But after a while, he should have just moved on. Alas, Hashem did not let him. And now he’s politically dead. This article is one hundred percent right.

  4. Gee!! Who doesn’t remember the insane protests by evil democRATS when President Donald Trump שליט”א won 2016 elections which they were unable to steal?
    & I surmise fox News doesn’t remember that until Corona hit, that President Donald Trump שליט”א was way ahead in all polls

  5. “rest in peace” may be wishful thinking. While in past business dealings Trump has backed down to avoid failure, given his stage of life (at his age, there is no tomorrow), he might prefer to collapse the Republican party rather than to rest in peace. It also isn’t clear that the Republicans can win nationally without the support of Trump’s MAGA base (and note that 15 years, most of the “deplorables”, as well as Trump himself, were Democrats).

  6. Now that he is politically niftar, how about a moratorium on Trump nonsense and meshugaas purely based on kavod ha’mes.

  7. Sickofidiots makes a good point. Trump could still be successful but, similar to Paroah, Hashem has hardened his heart around a losing strategy. Trump was sent to us when we needed him and now he will drown. Our future yeshuous will come through a different way. Always through Hashem.

  8. Akup

    Incorrect as usual
    Most of the deplorable crowd hasn’t been Democrat for a half a century since before Nixon’s 1972 sweep
    Trumps blue collar crowd has been stepped on and abused for decades. They are the (unkempt) shoulders that America remain standing up on. Even the unemployed hillbillies who suffered as veterans for generation after generation after generation. It is worthwhile to oppose him while giving much unappreciated deserving value to those he had represented !

  9. I give up. Wrote three long comments and each one froze by the time I had to hit post. Probably deliberate because my comment didn’t coincide with the antiTrump rhetoric of your editor

  10. Mike234, if you don’t know how to read maybe get a pre1 teacher to tutor you. Where did I claim to know what Hashem thinks? All I said is Hashem runs the world. Do you disagree with that? All I said is Hashem sent the virus and the turmoil of summer 2020. Do you disagree with that? All I said is Hashem did not let Trump move on from the election. Lev Melachim veSarim beyad Hashem. Do you disagree with that? If yes, make sure you don’t touch my wine or you’re not the tenth man in my minyan, assuming you’re Jewish.

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