STUNNING: Trump Calls to Terminate the Constitution So He Can Become President Again

Donald Trump (AP Photo/Joe Maiorana)

Former President Donald Trump on Saturday again demanded that he be reinstated as president following Elon Musk’s release of Twitter’s previous leadership’s suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop scandal in the runup to the 2020 election.

“Wow! That’s a really big story about Twitter and various forms of government Fraud including, specifically, Election Fraud,” Trump wrote on Truth Social on Friday night. “The same level of Fraud took place with the other Big Tech companies, if not even worse (if that’s possible?). We are living in a VERY CORRUPT COUNTRY &, AS THEY ARE SAYING ALL OVER THE INTERNET, “NOTHING WILL BE DONE ABOUT IT BECAUSE THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT & FBI ARE TOTALLY CORRUPT.” But they’ll keep investigating “boxes” that were legally & openly taken from the W.H.”

On Saturday, Trump followed up.

“So, with the revelation of MASSIVE & WIDESPREAD FRAUD & DECEPTION in working closely with Big Tech Companies, the DNC, & the Democrat Party, do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Our great “Founders” did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)


32 Responses

  1. He should explain how this would happen. Would Trump suspend the Constitution? Biden? The military? And what next? I wonder if Trump can suspend the Constitution by thinking it. Or dreaming it.

  2. Narcissistic. EVERYTHING, family, values, allies, the Constitution EVERYTHING goes out the window if it doesn’t please him. The sole litmus test to bad vs. good is loyalty to him. And his cult cronies who follow him agree. As he said in 2016, he could shoot someone on Park Avenue and his people wouldn’t care.

  3. It’s not at all stunning. It is simple and obvious and has been staring us in the face for six years

    Trump has been a dangerous despot ever since he announced his candidacy in 2016. He is a crooked manipulator with an oversized ego. He is a danger to democracy and threatens societal norms.

    Sadly it took so long for so many to recognize the obvious

  4. It has taken a long time for us to realize the fraud and corruption that exists and helped elect Biden. Even today the 3 major news networks and the Times have not reported on Twitters admission to the corruption they were involved in.

  5. Not so simple. Although what he is saying regarding the constitution etc. Is over the top, let’s not be blind to the corruption of the media.

  6. I don’t understand u guys I rlly don’t. What’s the bottom line for us yidden. Who cares that he’s a crazy tweeter. He takes care of us Yidden in so many ways and the policies line up. Enough with the blasting him. Enough

  7. Twist what you want to twist. What he said is that the interference and fraud committed by Twitter and otter media in cahoots with the dnc had annulled the constitution, not that it needs to be annulled to have him reinstated. I didn’t vote and wouldn’t vote for him but you have to be honest, and he didn’t say what you portrayed him as saying

  8. So we should be okay with hijacking elections while we pretend we’re going “by the rules”?
    According to the polls this alone was enough to change the outcome.

  9. The guy is obviously in a downward mental spiral but at some point, stop giving him the attention he is desperately seeking with these incoherent rants.

  10. Amazing the respect Trump commands. He tweets out some inane and dumb thoughts while sitting on the toilet, and his words are snatched up like golden nuggets.
    Meanwhile Biben can ramble complete nonsense during actual speeches, and suddenly everyone in the room went deaf.

  11. adar29, you are right! Just listen to what he actually said. Be that as it may, he is over the top and in essence he is delivering an almost certain win to the Democrats. The 2022 midterms sort of shows this. He is not appreciated as much as he thinks he should be and for good reason. People are tired of his narcissistic ego.

  12. Yes this man is arrogant, yes he is narrsocistic, and everything is all about him him & him. But you don’t have to marry him, listen to his drashas, or bow down to him. The point is, the media has been feeding fake news forever and hiding the garbage to protect Hunter & e/o on the Left. You don’t have to LIKE him- As far as the position of POTUS, this man filled that position better than ANY other president.

  13. You are so biased against Trump. He didn’t call to terminate the Constitution. Why do you headline such a lie He rightfully says that because there are so many issues that make the 2020 election results full of malfeasance, there is a good chance that the Presidency was stolen from him. In that case, Biden should not be in the White House. Remember, Nixon resigned with Watergate and what will be the out use here, unfortunately with all the massive corruption, NOTHING. As a journalist you belittle your news output with bias against Trump. Shame on you !

  14. You are so biased against Trump. He didn’t call to terminate the Constitution. Why do you headline such a lie He rightfully says that because there are so many issues that make the 2020 election results full of malfeasance, there is a good chance that the Presidency was stolen from him. In that case, Biden should not be in the White House. Remember, Nixon resigned with Watergate and what will be the out use here, unfortunately no with all the massive corruption, NOTHING. As a journalist you belittle your news output with bias against Trump. Shame on you ! This is not a duplicate comment so don’t censor it for phony reasons.

  15. Looking for his Reichstag fire moment so he can overturn Democracy… Not surprising as his style of propaganda from his first campaign has long been noted to have been based off Hitler’s.

  16. Hashem still runs the world. Trump is right and if I was in his shoes I would feel the same way. The deception and manipulation that the Democrats stoop to deserve even greater condemnation and yes, they should be punished somehow. Is this the America we fought for? Is this the country we want? Democratic-Party-USA is no better than Russia or China. The Democrats treat US citizens with deceit, derision and paternalism bordering on abuse. Biden is dishonest, he should be impeached over this.

  17. According to Trump’s line of reasoning, he’s really still president. That’s two terms. What’s this about running for a third term in 2024?

    Guess that will also necessitate overturning a few more laws…

  18. “Fraud By Omission, the suppression or omission of a material fact which a party is bound in good faith to disclose is equivalent to a false representation, since it constitutes an indirect representation that such fact does not exist.” Dems claimed unsubstantiated election fraud in 2016. Yet that didn’t stop them from seeking to unseat President Trump by any means possible. Whereas now Elon Musk has provided verifiable PROOF of fraud.

  19. To all of those who said the headline doesn’t match:
    He said: Fraud like this allows for the suspension of the constitution.
    It’s classic Trump double-talk. Love the constitution unless it says you’re not the one in power. Obviously the constitution doesn’t apply here.

  20. The collective irrational and delusional opining here is stunning. Trump “the despot who threatens democracy” somehow relinguished the White House to Biden and the democrat party, who used totalitarian corrupt and unconstitutional campaign strategies including illegal spying, and censorship of information, in attempt to subvert two consecutive elections, who continue to champion policies that erode the Bill of Rights, and they’re the good guys, the defenders of democracy? Explain that to me, please. Those who believe Trump’s hyperbolic rhetoric and narcissistic tendencies, benchmark characteristics of all politicians, are more dangerous than his opponents anti-American and anti-Semitic fascistic destructive ACTIONS are students of Efrone and will one day bear the consequences of their hypocracy and stupidity. The facts are Trump, despite his tweet-itis, has been one of the best presidents for both America and Israel in history. Biden, not so much to put it mildly, but as they say, denial is not just a river in Egypt.

  21. You are being had. The news were supposed to be: Hunter Biden took money from Russians and Chinese and that information was suppressed before the election. Instead, the “news” is about Trump’s reaction and interpretation of that reaction. Start with peshat.

  22. Trump Calls to Terminate the Constitution President Donald Trump שליט”א only calling to terminate constitution. Sleep joe did actually terminate the constitution by stealing the 2020 election from President Donald Trump שליט”א who definitely was duly reelected.

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