NETANYAHU VS. CHAREIDIM? Incoming PM Says “Israel Won’t Be Governed by Talmud”

FILE - Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks at the Knesset, Israel's parliament, in Jerusalem, June 30, 2022. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit, File

Binyamin Netanyahu, who is currently cobbling together a right-wing coalition in the Knesset, said that he will not allow his government allies to impose “Talmudic law” in Israel.

Netanyahu made the comment while responding to a question about his government’s likely inclusion of right-wing figures, like Otzma Yehudit leader Itamar Ben-Gvir.

“The main policy or the overriding policy of the government is determined by the Likud and frankly, by me. I think I have more than a modest influence on it,” Netanyahu told Bari Weiss’s “Common Sense” podcast.

“Israel is not going to be governed by Talmudic law,” he continued. “We’re not going to ban LGBT forums. As you know, my view on that is sharply different, to put it mildly. We’re going to remain a country of laws.”

Some key figures in Israel’s next government, like Religious Zionism leader Betzalel Smotrich, said they want Israel to be governed strictly by halacha. Avi Moaz, who Netanyahu plans to put in charge of “Jewish identity” has called to ban the annual LGBT parade in Jerusalem.

Netanyahu also said that he would prosecute Jews who carry out violent acts the same way he would prosecute Arabs who do so.

“Nobody gets a break for terrorism. If you are a Jew and you commit a terrorist act, you’ll be punished and should be punished like anyone else. Nobody cares,” he said. “Terrorism is defined and criminality should be defined by the nature of the act, not by the nature of the perpetrator.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC) 

21 Responses

  1. The State of Israel should be a home to all Jews, including the little birds. Hashem will decide when halachah should govern Eretz Yisrael, not some nudniks in Bnai Brach, or Borough Park.

  2. If you established a government on the model advocated by the Talmud, you would have a KING, and there would be Beis Din (Sanhedrin) appointed totally independently of the government, and judicial review under a basic law that the government can’t change. And there would be no provisions for an elected legislature, patronage, graft, etc. It’s hard to imagine any Israeli politician, regardless of party, that could tolerate such a system. Remember that patronage (diverting public funds to help your friends) is the cornerstone of modern politics. While Bibi might go for being a king (he is at least as frum as most kings were in the period discussed in the mishna), the part about no patronage wouldn’t go over well.

  3. Bibi and the kofrim should get out of Yisroel. The world is very large. There are plenty of places on Earth for a kofer to go live a disgraceful life. It would be nice if at least just one small place on Earth where it were possible to keep the Torah in kedushah without compromise. For being mebazeh the Torah, among other reasons, Bibi likely lost his portion in olam haba.

  4. As it is, he’s expected to request the 14 extension whereas it was thought, and hoped, by many, that he would have his government all wrapped up by the time he was formally asked to form the next coalition government. The 30 days is due expire imminently and it seems he’s just as far now as he was then.

  5. @steephen: Well said! The fact that this is newsworthy is in itself the biggest chillul Hashem.
    Bibi is a disgusting mumar lehachis who is smart and informed and could be expected rotrecognize the truth of the “Talmud” — who endangers the security of the land via his flagrant daily violations of halacha. The fact that he is less of anti-frum than others may be does not change that fact.
    @huju: You are a despicable soul.

  6. The Satmar Rav Zatzal was right. His holy eyes knew what was coming. The stupid people said otherwise and he didnt budge and knew Zionsm is a צרה in every way.
    Now where are all the Gedolim that pushed GIMMEL and branded Bibi as Mashiach?
    The point is ONE. Its all the same. Religious,secular Zionists. All want to eradicate Torah values. They may show a different face for a few minutes but are all ONE FACE ONE GOAL.
    Wow. Its just sucha a tragicomedy.

  7. “Wow. Its just such a a tragicomedy.”

    That explains it. We can easily be dan le kaf zachus. The politicians (Lapid, Netanyahu, Boris Johnson, Prince Harry, Trump, Biden, et al.) are here to entertain us. Ha-Shem wants to keep us amused, so politicians were created. Let’s be honest, if tsadikkim ran the world, it would be terribly boring.

  8. Right on, Miriam!

    Zionism is a movement to remake a Jew from a Torah-and-Mitzvos-keeper into a Goyish national.

    For example, if the state is so Jewish, why does it have a Toeivah-pride parade each year?

    Why is Tel Aviv rated consistently among the most Toeivah-friendly travel destinations in the world?

    Clearly, the practice of Toeivah is against the Torah.

    For example, why do Israeli women parade around practically nude in the MIss Israel contests,
    when immodesty is against the Torah?

    For example, why are Israeli women conscripted into the IDF, when the Jews never had female units going to war, when Hashem authorized the Jews to go to war, thousands of years ago?

    These are just examples.

  9. Huju, Ha’SHem already decided! He told us by Har Sinai! It is written in the TaNaCh, Gemora and the Shulchan Aruch. Non of your modernishe stuff!

  10. “Non of your modernishe stuff….” ‘

    Yup. None of this electricity, internet, automobiles, telephones, El Al, light-rail, X-rays, antibiotics etc. Lets go back to basics and make EY a model of pre-industrial society.

  11. It could be that Bibi said out loud to quiet the media. However, in his private room, he thinks Israel needs to be ruled by Talmudic law.

  12. “In his private room, he thinks Israel needs to be ruled by Talmudic law…”

    If EY was ruled under “Talmudic law” he would legitimately be receiving visitors at Har HaMenuchot since there are enough Chareidi zealots who would find sufficient “halachic”reason to render summary judgement under their interpretation of daas torah.

  13. First, who said that we are going to get a King under Jewish law? Navi Shmuel agreed to appoint a King only after a lot of popular demand. Maybe, he would have agreed to a Knesset in our times if he believed in giving people what they want & deserve!

    Second, are religious Jews in Israel (charedi or not) ready to lead the country? Do we have religious politicians who will handle all international and national crises better than Bibi? Israel just had one dati PM .. are there better one in any of the religious parties? Menachem Begin was one worthy shomer shabbat politician.

  14. Bs”d
    “Miriam has no right to denigrate Gedolim. They would never say Bibi is Moshiach. How dare she suggest Gedolim want to eradicate Torah values, chas v’sholom. They wanted frum Jews to have enough clout in the govt, to stop all the anti-Torah legislation that the leftist previous govt was getting thru’. Just because frum yidden may vote in the govt, that does not mean they are Religious Zionists.
    Those Gedolim like Rabbi Edilstein Shlita, obviously don’t hold with zionism, but they do hold that , now there is a state, voting is the only b’teva way of changing things. Of course we should not have a state until Moshiach, but we cannot just leave things to the anti-Torah group, they seem to think.

    Now, whether we should or shouldn’t vote in a zionist state, seems to be a machlokes amongst the Gedolim, but NO WAY do any of them want to eradicate Torah values, chas v’sholom!

  15. Amazing how everyone is getting all excited about an interview.

    No one ever expected Bibi to lead the State ע”פ השו”ע

    He’s by far the best realistic choice available.
    He has the qualifications and talent of a true leader. He very much respects tradition, religion and the Talmud as well.
    He’s a true proud Jew and is not looking to change and uproot any Yehadus, Kashrus, Geirus.

    It’s a matter of voting for the one with least damage.

    On the same note, allow me to ask all Kenayim here, how are the secular Jews in our wonderful USA?
    That is IF we may still term them as Jews.

    At least in The Medina we have almost no assimilation. Most keep Kashrus, fast Yom Kippur, do not eat Chametz on Pesach etc.

    We have an influx of Ba’alei Teshuva.

    Jews in Israel still have hope.
    Whereas in the US, the major majority has unfortunately no hope of ever returning. They despise Judaism or any religion.

  16. Show me 10 Charedim who *actually* want to live in a State governed by Halacha (with everything that entails) and I’ll eat my hat.

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