McConnell: Trump “Highly Unlikely” to Become President Again After Recent Antics; Trump Fires Back

Senate Minority Mitch McConnell made his feelings about Donald Trump’s meeting with antisemites Kanye West and Nick Fuentes clear, saying “there is no room in the Republican Party for antisemitism or white supremacy.”

“Anyone meeting with people advocating that point of view — in my judgment — are highly unlikely to ever be elected President of the United States,” he added, making reference to Trump without mentioning him by name.

Trump responded by unleashing one of his signature attacks against McConnell.

“Mitch is a loser for our nation and for the Republican Party who would not have been re-elected in Kentucky without my endorsement, which he begged me for because he was going down,” Trump told Fox News Digital. “His well-financed opponent had $93 million ready to spend when I drove him from 2 points down to 21 points up in a matter of days.”

Trump also said he had no idea who Fuentes was.

“I had never heard of the man—I had no idea what his views were and they weren’t expressed at the table in our very quick dinner, or it wouldn’t have been accepted,” Trump said.

Trump reiterated that he met with Kanye to give him advice about his failing business ventures, which have crumbled in the fallout from the rapper’s antisemitic tirades.

“If you see him, the fake news media will create a problem,” Trump said. “If you don’t see him, the fake news media will claim I’m a racist.”

Trump’s meeting with the unrepentant antisemites has received criticism from some Republicans, many conservative commentators, and Jewish organizations. But few have attempted to justify it outright.

House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy denounced Fuentes, but defended Trump by saying that he didn’t know the white supremacist.

“I don’t think anybody should be spending any time with Nick Fuentes. He has no place in this Republican Party. I think President Trump came out four times and condemned him and didn’t know who he was,” McCarthy said.

Trump has not, in fact, condemned Fuentes even once. When that was pointed out to McCarthy, he replied, “Well, I condemn his ideology. It has no place in society — at all.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)


5 Responses

  1. Increasingly, even the most conservative Republicans are moving on and tuning out this sick individual. The hard-core MAGA/Q-anon types will never care about how crazy he devolves since that craziness and racist rhetoric stokes the fires they are seeking to ignite.

  2. But while Trump is highly unlikely to win in 2024, the Republicans are highly unlikely to win without Trump’s support. The clever Republican method should be agree with Trump where possible, and criticize gently. The only road to preventing a Democratic “blue wave” in 2024 involves getting Trump to wholeheartedly endorse a Republican ticket that he is not on.

    For example, instead of complaining about Trump meeting with some marginalized bigots, point out that he was meeting with both white and black bigots which disproves the Democrats’ claim that Trump is a “white supremacist”. There is no reason for the party leader not to reach out to the disaffected of all races, even if it would be inappropriate for a presidential candidate to meet with either of them individually.

  3. Supposedly this liar didn’t know who fuentes was (like he didn’t know who David Duke and the kkk were), but he must’ve forgotten who west was by enthusiatically welcoming him to dinner.

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