WILLIAMSBURG SHOMRIM: Serial Thief Strikes Again at Jewish Homes

A serial thief struck a Jewish-owned home in Williamsburg, making off with thousands of dollars in valuables just days after being identified as a suspect in a recent apartment burglary.

At around 9 am on Monday, the suspect was walking by the home near Hewes Street and Marcy Avenue in Williamsburg when he noticed an open door. He quickly entered and immediately grabbed all the jewelry he could get his hands on before fleeing.

Just weeks earlier, the suspect saw an open apartment door on Hooper Avenue, entered and robbed it, and another similar incident occurred on Rodney Street, as well.

Williamsburg Shomrim and the NYPD are now searching for the suspect. Shomrim urges residents and business owners to ensure that their doors are locked at all times so that this thief – and others like him – cannot get inside.

If you have any information, please call 911 and the Williamsburg Shomrim 24 hour emergency hotline at 718-237-0202

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. “Shomrim urges residents and business owners to ensure that their doors are locked at all times so that this thief – and others like him – cannot get inside.”

    Isn’t it racist to lock your doors nowadays?

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