Musk Says He’d Support “Sensible and Centrist” DeSantis if He Runs in 2024

(AP Photo/Susan Walsh, File)

Elon Musk, the world’s richest man, said he would support Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis if he runs for president in 2024.

The comment came during a series of tweets from the eccentric billionaire in which he addressed “deplatforming” and censorship on Twitter.

“I’m fine with Trump not tweeting,” Musk wrote in reply to a tweet about Trump’s restored but still quiet account. “The important thing is that Twitter correct a grave mistake in banning his account, despite no violation of the law or terms of service.”

“Deplatforming a sitting President undermined public trust in Twitter for half of America,” he said.

He added that he was a “significant” supporter of President Barack Obama and that he “reluctantly” voted for Biden over Trump.

“But freedom of speech is the bedrock of a strong democracy and must take precedence,” he added. :My preference for the 2024 presidency is someone sensible and centrist. I had hoped that would the case for the Biden administration, but have been disappointed so far.”

A user then asked Musk if he would support DeSantis for president, to which he responded simply, “Yes.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. I support the removal from all new of this man of wealth having any encumbrance on anything that is created….not a man , not a husband nor a father…..a mind yes, without being human even that has no value….stop hampering with the world you dis ease of a man

  2. Unfortunately, there is no way Desantis can win. Trump has at least 50 million fans who will still vote for him. Probably much more. Besides a few Repubs who want to become president and vice president etc. and a few people on ywn, most will not vote for Desantis or Pence or anybody else. The dems will win big time. The dems stick together no matter what. If a cat was running for president, they would endorse him. The repubs have no unity whatsoever and do not stick up for their own. This פירוד is their downfall and why there was no red wave. Would be nice if Trump would stop banging his own thumb with his own hammer and own hands! He was a great President and could still be! But he needs to keep his mouth shut for the next 2 years. Lets see if he can pass the test.

  3. If Trump runs, Biden wins. Trump has alienated a large amount of the Republican base. That is why the MAGA candidates run well behind the non-MAGA Republicans in the general elections (cf: Alaska, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona). In 2016 Trump became president with Republican majorities in both houses, and the failures of TRUMP and the candidates he pushed on to the ticket are why the Democrats have been winning for the last three elections

    The question is which Republican not named Trump is most likely to get Trump’s endorsement, and support from Trump’s personal supporters. The last Republican to win the presidency without the support of the “deplorables” was George Bush in 2004, and he had 9-11 helping him, and would have lost in 2000 had the Democrats not shot themselves in the foot, meaning the last Republican to win without Trump’s base (which wasn’t call that at the time – Trump was a solid blue Democrat back them) was George H.W. Bush in 1988.

    The real question is whether Trump will settle for being a senior statesman, and endorse some other (electable) Republican for president – or whether he will decide that if he can’t be president, he would rather see America rules liberal Democrats with WOKE policies (and note, Trump was able to support the Democrats through at least 2008).

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