THIS IS EASY! Just Sign Up To Flatbush Scoop Status And You Can Win ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS Cash

Flatbush Scoop status was launched just over a year ago to cover hyperlocal news in Flatbush and surrounding areas. The response has been overwhelming, with nearly ten thousand people signing up to receive the latest local news in live time.

Now, Flatbush Scoop has a $1,000 raffle to anyone who signs up to the status.

All you need to do is sign up by clicking here and receive the instructions to be the winner of $1,000 cash!

If you live in Flatbush, there’s only one place to turn to keep up to date on all the comings and goings of the city: The Flatbush Scoop.

With updates 24 hours a day, The Flatbush Scoop is the only status you need to stay in the loop and keep abreast of what’s going on.

Follow The Flatbush Scoop and be in the know all day, every day!

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