Complete Guide to Effective Small Law Firm Management

Law firm management organization

One can argue for a long time about which management model is the best for a law firm, but one cannot finally decide. The reason for this is the ambiguous approaches to the organization of management in each individual law firm, which can be influenced both by the number of employees of the firm and the original form of business organization.

Today, such an organization of management of a law firm is very common, when management is carried out by several equal partners. They, as a rule, are the founders of such a company and make all decisions jointly, however, each has its own narrow area of ​​specialization in management, agreed with all partners. At the same time, the final decision is made by the main partner endowed with appropriate powers, taking into account the comments of all co-managers. Such a management organization, according to Sergey Pogrebny, director of the Business Law Audit Legal Company Corporation, is optimal for the development of large businesses. However, it is less suitable for law firms with a small staff, for which the operation of a large number of managers is impractical, and where it should be determined by the number of employees. 

Financial Procedures and Salaries

The disadvantages of such a management organization, when all partners are allowed to manage, is, according to director of Legal Company Legal Commerce LLC, a divergence of interests and views of managers, a high probability that the highest levels of management will not be able to reach consensus, which will inevitably lead to to conflict situations and negative consequences, first of all, for the law firm itself.

President of the international law firms also believes that the reins of a law firm should be concentrated in the hands of one person – a specialist in the field of jurisprudence, since without this it is impossible to properly focus on the consumer, and promptly respond to changes in the legal services market . 

To have better experience in law firm financial management, it is better to develop strategies. Starting from the employees salaries to their fun and entertainment. To save money and energy, opening a bank account online with no account is an essential element for all the companies. And also try to be on a saver mode and save as much as you can. In the beginning it is hard to save the profit, but if you do not save the profit, then you will have lower chances for the investments. 

Marketing For Law Firms

Marketing is essential for law firms, and there is a need to follow recent trends. To keep your law firm relevant in the eyes of clients,you need to work on new marketing strategies and develop high lifetime value of clients. 

Marketing is one of the hot topics on the internet and all the agencies strive to develop their marketing strategies. Forever if you want to succeed more you should start from building your own website. Nowadays it is not complicated to build a website,you can create it with and easily operate it. You will need to take care of SEO to have better outreach and value. 

One for all?

The management of a small law firm is more often carried out solely by the director, who also performs the functions of the company’s manager. This official may be both the founder of this company and be appointed to the position by the founders. Such a management model has positive aspects: the absence of disagreements between managers, staff savings, and a significant simplification of the management process.

At the same time, the development of the company, entering new markets, expanding the range of services provided and, accordingly, increasing the number of employees will require the employment of a person directly responsible for management. Do not forget to create questionnaires for your employees in order to get their feedback. If you strive to create a friendly atmosphere then you should work hard to get their feedback, concerns and ideas. And do not worry much about the format of your questionnaire. You can create beautiful mobile responsive forms with HeySurvey and invite them to fill the form. Afterwards you can collect the data and use it in favor of your company’s progress. 

He’s the director, he’s the manager

According to law firm managers, you should perform the following duties: housekeeping (material and technical support of the company, bookkeeping, information support for company employees), market promotion (collection and processing of information about the services provided by the company, the opinion formed by the consumer about such services, and about the company, information about competing companies, conducting promotions and campaigns), organizing the provision of legal services (organizing the work of lawyers, working to improve the skills and professional knowledge of employees). These functions should be competently distributed among middle managers, taking into account specialization, and clearly coordinated by the company’s manager.

Christmas is Coming, Get Ready Early

One of the most difficult questions for the manager is to buy Christmas presents for their employees. If you buy a random present, then it might ruin their dedication to your firm.You can just create family christmas photo cards and surprise them with your cool idea. Make christmas cards with Mixbook easily and give them to your employees. As soon as they see your efforts, they will value them. 

Employees and Their Management

Objectively evaluating the capabilities of the head of the company and the manager in one person, it can be stated that without delegating part of the managerial powers, he will be able to fully fulfill his duties only in a small law firm. In a large company, it is difficult for a manager to combine his own legal practice with management work in its entirety. It follows from this that the optimal organization of such a law firm is the separation of powers between the head and the manager of the company. 

According to, director of the marketing and development department of the Interpolis law firm, the company’s management structure includes the company’s president (he also leads the client relations committee), executive director (he is also deputy president for financial issues) and deputy president for production issues. . The president of the company works as a lawyer and performs administrative functions, while the executive director is not engaged in private practice and concentrates exclusively on management activities.

Employees Who Commute to Work

Those of your employees who commute to work everyday put an extra effort in your development. Thus it will be beneficial to give them several benefits. Many companies nowadays give Electric Bikes or scooters to their employees, so they will not need to take a taxi or a bus. Also bikes promote the values and culture of the organization as your employees have green traveling and commuting experience. 

Another great way to gift your employees is to give something that will be valuable for them during the work process. Providing them gifts or ordered custom mailer boxes will improve their dedication, value and motivation. It also highlights that you care for all your employees to have better working experience, tools and ease their efforts. 

Remote Employees 

For the remote employees it can be easier for the manager to evaluate their work, however it can be tough to understand the processes of the management. For the remote employees it would be better making conference calls and inviting all of them to meet each other. 

However if you need one-on-one virtual meetings or you need to organize meetings with your new role candidates the best solution will be using platforms for conducting virtual interviews.

If everything goes smoothly then do not forget about your successful employees. Working remote teams can be challenging for some people. Others can enjoy it but still feel uncomfortable with some difficult tasks.It is great to have some corporate awards and boost the motivation of the remote workers.It can help to encourage them and easily set the corporate goals with happy employees.

In order to understand how to organize employee appreciation, you need to implement some strategies. The most famous is  calculating project profitability and operations. In this way you will have higher accountability and develop the intersectionality among your employees. Do not worry much about the strategies. It is better to start from the simple ones and gradually improve them. 

New York’s experience of Law firms Specialized on Immigration Issues 

In New York city law firms have demand and customer lifetime value. It is essential to understand their operations management and how they succeed. In New York employment immigration lawyer have high demand, as they are experienced. Thus to have a more experienced journey, it is highly recommended to investigate New York’s law firms operations. 

Practice and Education for All the Employees

Some heads of law firms are of the opinion that the presence of a legal education and a solid work experience behind them are decisive for taking the position of a company manager. So, according to famous law firm directors, in order to properly manage, see the present and foresee the future of a law firm, it is necessary to know the specifics of its activities.

Thus getting training and new educational activities is a great way to foster experience in the law field. It is always better to start from Management Training Courses, as they will foster the leadership and ability to work in different challenging situations. 

For employees dealing with financial departments, improving the investment tools, valuing assets, portfolio management, and wealth planning is better. They can pass all three levels of the CFA exam and become more qualified in financial operations and management. 

Final Points

According to law firm managers, in order for a law firm to function and develop successfully, just a professional approach of the manager to the performance of his duties is not enough – running a law firm should be a favorite thing and even, to some extent, the meaning of life.

In conclusion, I would like to repeat that there is no single correct scheme for organizing the management of a law firm. Each manager is free to choose the most appropriate for his company, based primarily on the scale of the law firm.

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