BEGGING: Trump Implores Ivanka and Jared to Join Him on Stage for 2024 Campaign Announcement

FILE - Donald Trump, left, Donald Trump Jr., center, and his daughter Ivanka Trump speak during the unveiling of the design for the Trump International Hotel in the The Old Post Office in Washington, on Sept. 10, 2013. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta, File)

Donald Trump spent parts of his daughter Tiffany’s wedding begging Ivanka and Jared Kushner to be on stage for his 2024 announcement on Tuesday night, but they wouldn’t bite, the New York Post reports.

“Trump thought he could convince Ivanka this weekend to come back and campaign for him as she was the most requested speaker after the president himself last time around… but so far she’s resisting his entreaties and holding firm, as is Jared,” a Trump insider told the Post. “They both feel they got burned in Washington and don’t want to go back and expose themselves and their children to another bitter campaign.”

Their unwillingness to join the former president on stage is causing behind the scenes tensions, the Post’s source said, adding that Eric and Donald Trump Jr. are “all-in” on a 2024 presidential run.

Trump himself has been putting on an air of confidence about his announcement in recent days, “puffing up his chest in public, and at the club and says he’s going full speed ahead into the race [and will] crush [Florida Gov.] Ron DeSantis if he dares run against him,” the source said.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

16 Responses

  1. Trump better not be too insulting to DeSantis. If Trump gets indicted on criminal charges and is disqualified from running for President then DeSantis will become the nominee and most likely the next President. If Trump wants to avoid spending the rest of his life in jail he will need a PARDON from DeSantis who may not give him one if the insults persist.

  2. YWN! Why do you feel the need to make these stupid headlines like this? Have you no shame? You are sounding more and more like a liberal trash talking news outlet

  3. Do the immature idiots at YWN have a problem with President Trump, seems all you do is post negative childish headlines about him, how much is Soros paying you 🙄🤦🏻‍♂️

  4. Yeshiva World has been very negative lately about Trump. If you feel that you you are a “Yeshiva” site then its time that you tone down and write a little softer. You are hear to report news not take a candidate side.

    Like a Dog? How do you talk like this?

  5. YWN should be commended for its honesty over the past few days in calling out Trump and highlighting the danger that he poses. It is high time that the frum media ended its fealty to this dangerous man. The courage that the editors at YWN are showing is refreshing, even if it is late in coming. Yasher Koach to YWN for speaking the truth.

  6. taking news from NYP doesn’t get a song from me…..YWN shape up or ship out….Leshon Hora and evil is dominating this site….this is a lie…..Trump doesn’t have to beg his children nor does Bibi….Herzog should be spanked as well as most Israeli’s….shame on you on me and on all of us… a matter of principle remove the christians from insulting us Jews in The Old City on Shabbos….remove this filth from our world

  7. Reb Shlomo, there is no such thing as “disqualified from running for President”. Nobody has the authority to “disqualify” ANYONE. Trump is a natural born citizen of the USA, he is over the age of 35, and he has lived in the USA for at least 14 years. That automatically qualifies him to be president. There are no other qualifications, and there CANNOT be any. Nobody has the right to add more qualifications. Not a court, not Congress, nobody. If Trump is indicted that will only ensure that he will run.

  8. The qualification to be president is to be a natural born citizen over the age of 35. Unless Trump has discovered the fountain of youth, and overdosed on it – he is over the age of 35. There are no other qualifications allowed by the Constitution. Criminal records, political incorrectness, senility or total insanity – are all allowed.

    Practically, based on the results in the last three elections, and how Trump supported Republicans did relative to ones who were opposed to Trump, it appears highly unlike Trump will win, even if he gets to run against Biden, and the thought of Trump running causes Republicans to think of Alf Landon and Barry Goldwater.

  9. How can readers, many who subscribe to the New York Post, a conservative paper, criticize Yeshiva World for reporting a story from the Post? I don’t care if Trump’s daughter and son in law appear with him tonight. I’m surprised that Trump is making his announcement in what we would consider a week of simcha following a daughter’s wedding.

  10. In understanding Trump’s 3 oldest children, it helps to remember that Junior and Eric have no source of wealth other than what they inherit from their father, whereas Ivanka and Jared have their own fortune. Junior and Eric have to support the senior Donald if they want to inherit his fortune (assuming he has one, which I personally doubt). Ivanka has no need for senior Donald’s money, if any. Of course, Junior and Eric could always rely on their own talents to earn money … HAH. Their father taught them that if you are lazy and stupid, you can nevertheless be rich. Not a good lesson for anybody.

  11. > Reb Shlomo

    Nothing DeSantis can do to help Trump. Trump is facing mainly New York State and perhaps contempt of Congress. DeSantis has no authority in either situation not as governor of Florida nor as President.

  12. I think it’s a shame that trump is behaving the way he is because he was doing such a good job last time and if not for Covid, he would certainly have won the elections.

    I have a strong feeling that once he is elected and does not need to fight for his position, he will tone down and just get on with putting the USA, and the world, right (eg. the Abraham Records, the 2 state solution, the economy, immigration etc.).
    That’s what he did last time. Everyone predicted that he’d be hitting the Red Button, and he actually proved to be relatively calm and balanced. Though he was nasty and outspoken, he was not rash. He got things done, and major improvements in place.

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