RON RISING: DeSantis Takes the Lead Over Trump in 2024 Matchup

(AP Photo/Butch Dill, File)

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis now leads former President Donald Trump by a full seven percentage points in a post-midterm poll of GOP preferences for the 2024 Republican nomination.

Conducted by YouGov, the poll found that 42% of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents say they prefer DeSantis as their 2024 presidential nominee, compared to 35% who say they want the nominee to be Trump, a brutal swing of support away from the former president.

A similar poll taken just days before the midterm elections found that Trump was leading DeSantis by 22 points on the exact same question, meaning the post-midterm poll results were an eye-popping 29-point reversal from the previous one.

Republicans across the board have been criticizing Trump over the midterm results, whereas DeSantis won his own reelection in decisive fashion, leading many to see him – not Trump – as the future of the Republican Party.

While only time will tell if DeSantis’ lead in Republican preferences will stay around, it is certainly interesting that almost nobody in the GOP nodded in approval when Trump began attacking DeSantis last week, perhaps showing that Republicans are far more unlikely to support Trump’s broadsides against the popular Florida governor.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

13 Responses

  1. Mike Pence is still a serious/formidable & brilliant candidate to contend with & expect that he would do very well both in primary & 11/5/2024; same goes for Nicki Hailey.
    Note:- Not so for Cruz nor Rubio nor for any Bush.

  2. HiTime!! Let there be Pence,Hailey and DeSantis but please all, let go of Trump. If anyone failed to see it till now, its screaming! He screwed every Republican that lost.

  3. Pence did nothing during the 4 years he was in office except kiss Trump’s behind and almost got himself hung for his efforts. Nikki Halley would make a good Vice President for DeSantis. He knows nothing about foreign affairs and she knowns everything having been in the UN.

  4. And keep this in mind: Anyone running against Trump is basically saying it’s a big sin to be an “election denier” and the 2020 election was not stolen, because if it was, then surely Trump should be our nominee. It just isn’t gonna work!
    And ignoring those questions by saying “well, I just want to look forwards, not backwards” etc. won’t either work, because your almost asking them to steal it from you too, and you won’t be able to say a thing once they do!

  5. I predict Trump will go like Antiyochus. He’ll be left on the side of the road stinking and smelling. His supporters will run from him while he will still be still ranting and raving A sad, sad end for someone who was so good for America and Israel.

  6. The real question is whether the Republicans can manage to field a ticket which does not have Trump on it, but will be supported by Trump. If Trump is the nominee, it almost guarantees a Democratic triumph in 2024 (cf. Roosevelt in 1932, Johnson in 1964). If a non-Trump is running without Trump’s support the election will be closer, but the Democrats are overwhelmingly likely to win. The Republicans can’t win with Trump, but also can’t win without Trump’s base.

  7. Pence was responsible for pretty much all of Trump’s achievements. Trump did the publicity and Pence did the work.

    Desantis is great, but I don’t think he should run next year because his state needs him. He should finish out his term in Florida, and then in 2026 start thinking about what comes next. If chas veshalom there is a Democrat president then he should run in 2028. B’ezras Hashem there will be a Republican president, so perhaps he could take a cabinet position, or perhaps try for the senate, and then start preparing a presidential run for 2032 or 2036. He will still be young enough to do that, so why rush now?

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