HILARIOUS: Non-Jewish Suspect in Gel Shooting Incident Says It’s Not Hate Crime Because He’s Jewish

One of three men charged with shooting gel pellets at Orthodox Jews in Williamsburg on Sunday was ordered held on bail while one of the others told police that it wasn’t a hate crime because he’s really Jewish.

Jacob Hernandez was ordered held on bail, while Zakaria Moataz and Dorian Watt were given supervised release.

Hilariously, Watt told cops that he’s Jewish “and can’t be committing a hate crime because the defendant is a real Hebrew.”

While Hernandez was the one caught shooting the gel pellets at Jews, both Moataz and Watt admitted that they had shot the gun on other occasions.

Watt’s father, meanwhile, insisted that his son is a “good kid.”

“I’m curious about what happened. They don’t have pictures of anybody. All they’re trying to do is to have every black kid on the block have a bad record. I’ve been through it all my life,” he said.

“I don’t believe none of that. I work for Jewish people for a long time. I have a lot of Jewish friends, and my son has been around me all my life. I don’t have a problem with anyone. We don’t discriminate against people… I raised my son better [than that].”

As YWN reported, the trio were arrested after they allegedly shot their gel gun at Hasidic Jews at three different locations – three nights in a row – all captured on security cameras. They were arrested thanks to the hard work of Williamsburg Shomrim.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

12 Responses

  1. The black anti-Semite that attacked in Monsey in Chanukah was also a self declared fake “Hebrew,”
    and he searched online about Hitler…

    The first known one to come up with the “I can’t be antisemitic because I’m Semitic,” was Hitler’s helper, Ahmad Shukeiri (as reported in US Congress on July 26, 1961 among others) who also rationalized the Holocaust (as reported in Bnai Brith on June 12, 1946).

    In any case, DNA also confirm that Sefardic and Ashkenazi Jews are linked to the Middle East.

  2. I’m usually not one to comment and made an account specifically so. But in legal terms it can make a huge difference if the crime committed is considered a hate crime or just fooling around and being stupid. So as funny as it seems it’s a valid defense.

  3. Lets see if Watt’s father enjoys being shot at? These three misfits should have all been sent to Riker’s WITHOUT bail as an example that if anyone else thinks this is funny, that they will have to deal with the consequences of their actions. If these three were white and the victims were black, they would have been jailed indefinitely, pending a trial. And then sentence for hate crimes for about ten years.

  4. Cro-Magnons suffering from the Dunning-Kruger effect often construct fanciful narratives about their provenance in order to obfuscate their real origins.

    This is the not-so-new insanity peddled by hate mongers on the Internet: Everyone is Jewish but the Jews. With seething hatred, they pour invective upon the only people on earth who can trace their lineage back to Judea; the only people on earth with an unbroken tradition of Hebrew thought and literature going back to the Second Temple period and earlier; the people who were praying, studying, and communicating in Hebrew in writing and/or speech when the tribesmen of Southern Africa were sacrificing children for Muthi.

    And these haters frequently condemn the Ashkenazim as faux Jews because they believe them to be Caucasian, even though some Ashkenazic families have family trees that go back to David and the Ashkenazim as a group have a very high per-capita population of kohanim. The Roman bust purported to be of Josephus? Pure Semitic Jew who looks no different from us today.

    The Jew-haters are meretricious types with no real learning who cherry-pick historical information and verses from the Tanach, weaving a romantic tapestry of falsehood and delusion. This is their m.o. rather than face their own people’s past with courage and honesty. Such Afrocentrism has yielded a host of the wildest claims, which earn the dismissal and derision of the civilized world. Among such claims are that:

    The Israelites were black;
    The Ancient Egyptians were black;
    The Ancient Greeks were black;
    Confucius was black;
    The Moors were black;
    The first inhabitants of Britain were black;
    Shakespeare was black;
    Beethoven was black.

    Professor Mary Lefkowitz, scholar of Classics and author of “Not Out of Africa,” was the only academic who publicly stood up to this insanity years ago.

    Yosef Ben-Jochannan is a good case in point. He was a black African who falsely claimed his mother to have been a Yemenite Jewess and also claimed to hold a doctorate when it had been proven that he did not even possess a bachelor’s degree (he’d falsely claimed to have earned the latter from the University of Puerto Rico). This clown would give speeches on the Afrocentric circuit accusing the Jews of this or that. (The man was not only ill but rotten to the core.)

    Do you know what Cornell University did? They HIRED him as a lecturer on religion!

    Professor Lefkowitz challenged him to a public debate. After much prodding, he finally agreed. Needless to say, she made fricassee out of him, showing him to be ignorant in Jewish and Classical history. When he was sweating and getting flustered, she challenged him to substantiate his curriculum vitae. He answered that he doesn’t appreciate her tone.

    The criminal insect in this particular news story is but one in a long line of mentally subpar individuals who have fallen victim to such Afrocentric insanity.

    They hate us ’cause they ain’t us. It’s time to call them out on their garbage.

  5. Ari Knobler, thank you for your excellent post but I doubt calling them out will stem the ever-growing wave of black anti-Semitism. They they are searching to for something to validate themselves as a people with a “glorious history”, they do not don’t want to acknowledge their primitive history so they seek to invalidate us Jews and take our history for themselves. But internally they know their narrative is fake and that makes them angry at us Jews.

    This is the same as when the Christians were so overcome with anger when our ancestors didn’t agree with them that their pagan god is the true god and didn’t want to adopt their religion. That made them so angry that they committed vicious atrocities against our nation because of their anger at our refusal to give legitimacy to their narrative which they knew internally was wrong.

    Hashem is sending us messages to do teshuva. We need to wake up and see the situation clearly and also prepare accordingly and not be busy with shtissim and narishkeiten which so many of us are busy with these days.

  6. @philosopher

    you make a persuasive case, but…

    we tried it your way, in 1942, and it didn’t turn out so well. this time, let’s try it with teshuvah, and the guns on OUR side, ok?

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