ARRESTED: Teen Charged Over Insane Manifesto That Prompted FBI’s Warning to Shuls

Hoboken Police officers stand watch outside the United Synagogue of Hoboken, Thursday, Nov. 3, 2022, in Hoboken, N.J. The FBI says it has received credible information about a threat to synagogues in New Jersey. The FBI's Newark office released a statement Thursday afternoon that characterizes it as a broad threat. The statement urged synagogues to "take all security precautions to protect your community and facility."(AP Photo/Ryan Kryska)

A teenager from Middlesex County, New Jersey, man was arrested for transmitting via the internet a manifesto containing threats to attack a synagogue and Jewish people, U.S. Attorney Philip R. Sellinger announced.

The manifesto resulted in last week’s FBI warning to shuls in New Jersey.

Omar Alkattoul, 18, of Sayreville, New Jersey, was arrested this morning and is charged by complaint with one count of transmitting a threat in interstate and foreign commerce on or about Nov. 1, 2022. He is scheduled to appear this afternoon before U.S. Magistrate Judge Jessica S. Allen in Newark federal court.

According to documents filed in this case and statements made in court:

On Nov. 1, 2022, Alkattoul used a social media application to send an individual a link to a document entitled “When Swords Collide” and admitted to this individual that he wrote the document, stating: “It’s in the context of an attack on Jews.” According to a second individual, Alkattoul also sent the document to at least five other people using another social media application. In the document, Alkattoul wrote the following:

“I am the attacker and I would like to introduce myself. . . I am a Muslim with so many regrets but I can assure you this attack is not one of them and Insha’Allah many more attacks like these against the enemy of Allah and the pigs and monkeys will come.

“I will discuss my motives in a bit but I did target a synagogue for a really good reason according to myself and a lot of Muslims who have a brain. Let’s be aware of the fact that the Jews promote the biggest hatred against Muslimeen even in the west. The Jews are in fact a very powerful group in the west which is why western countries today shill for them on top of the murtadeen in Saudi Arabia and every Arab country.

“This attack was just to remind the Jews that as long as 1 Muslim remains in this world they will never live a pleasant life until the Muslims in Palestine, Syria, West Africa, and South Asia are living a pleasant life. The Jews support terror against the muslimeen and they always have . . . . So the motive of this attack is hatred towards Jews and their heinous acts and I don’t want anyone to tell me for a second that “not all Jews support terror against Muslims” yes they do! They have since day one. Their Torah justifies their acts and let’s keep in mind it was a Jew that tried to kill the nebi SAW.”

The charge of transmitting a threat in interstate and foreign commerce is punishable by a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a $250,000 fine.

2 Responses

  1. Chris Wray and Merrick Garland are correct. WHITE supremacy is thee greatest threat facing this Nation! Here, we just had a WHITE Republican racist male wearing a MAGA hat trying to terrorize Jews. How much longer will Kamala Harris and Alejandro Mayorkas remain silent?! They have got to start cracking down on middle class white males and rounding them up.

  2. NGI, are you a Nazi troll?

    White supremacy the biggest threat? The above article highlights an Arab Muslim threat. So what possessed you to bring up White supremacy?

    Either way, let me counter your asinine comments. The “WHITE” guy in the MAGA hat is Trump? And you’re saying he was a terrorist towards Jews? Wow, confronting this level of stupid really hurts. Trump has been the best friend towards Jews and Israel that we’ve ever had from a President. And he did so even while getting spit on by most of the Jews in this country. Your assessment reeks of utter lack of hakaros hatov. It’s utterly ungrateful and thoroughly disgusting.

    And rounding up all White, middle class men? Now there’s a horrific case of racism if I ever heard one. I can only imagine the sick, evil plans you may fantasize about for their women and children. Your evil suggestion is exactly what the neo-Nazis say about us. I always denied it, made excuses to anti-semites online for the Jewish authors of the 1965 Immigration Act which began the process of flooding this nation with non-Europeans, by saying that the Jew Reps must have had only good, humanitarian intentions. But if you, NGI represent any sizable number of Jews, the maybe Jewish supremacy is real the problem and threat to Whites.

    The White race is not Amalek, so keep your genocidal desires in check. And if you just hate Whites that much, then for your own sake as much as the nation’s, move to a non-White country. There are literally over a hundred countries to choose from.

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