MONSEY: Rep. Mike Lawler Victorious in NY-17 Congressional District Thanks To Overwhelming Orthodox Jewish Support

Mike Lawler, a New York Republican previously little known outside his district, has defeated one of the country’s top Democrats for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.

A spokesperson for Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairman Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney said Maloney conceded the race for New York’s 17th District via phone call earlier in the day.

“I don’t like to lose, but my opponent won this race and he won it fair and square,” Maloney said at a news conference in Washington. “And that means something. So I’m going to step aside. And I had a good run.” Maloney’s concession makes him the first head of a congressional campaign committee to lose his own seat since 1992.

Lawler received overwhelming support in the Rockland County Orthodox Jewish community, with the community hosting Lawler for multiple fundraisers. One of those fundraisers was held in Wesley Hills, and was headlined by Republican House Minority Whip Rep. Steve Scalise and joined by several other congressmen from across the country. It was attended by various high-ranking members of the Hasidic community. It came just one day after President Biden phoned the Skverer Rebbe pleading with him to support Maloney – which Skver did.

Despite support from Skver and the Aronim faction of Satmar – both of whom which broke with across the board unanimous support by every single Frum community across New York State of Lee Zeldin for Governor and Lawler for Congress, the Orthodox Jewish community galvanized together, and overwhelmingly sent Lawler to victory.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. Orthodox jews flipped at least 3 seats from blue to red. they flipped north shore of long island, south shore of long island and rockland from blue to red. may also be responsible for miami’s salazar. great night for orthodox jews.

  2. Rumor has it that Vishnitz sent home flyers on Monday to vote for Maloney. There vote can be verified when the Board of Election results come out as Kaser has it’s own election district.

  3. Guess Maloney treffa Baloney forget to fix the voting machines like Hochul’s supporters did in Manhattan, Bronx and Brooklyn. And there was no voter suppression in Rockland County like Boro Park. Analyze the votes for Hochul and one can see that without these three boros of NYC, Zeldan would have won.

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