JEWS VOTE: Massive Turnout at Polling Stations in Boro Park

Heavy lines are being experienced in Boro Park as thousands of Orthodox Jews turn out to vote in New York’s elections, with a particular interest among the voters in the gubernatorial race that will decide whether incumbent Kathy Hochul will get another term or if she’ll be knocked off by Republican Lee Zeldin.

The lines in Boro Park are some of the longest seen in recent memory, with NYS Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein tweeting out a collage of pictures of Jews voting, captioned with, “When the hateful agenda-driven @nytimes demonizes our culture and our traditions, we don’t just protest. WE VOTE!!!”

“Heartwarming to see the tremendous turnout throughout Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods in NY. A religious minority exercising its hard-earned voting rights. Beautiful!” he added.

NYC Councilman Kalman Yeger also tweeted out photos of Orthodox and Hasidic Jews voting today, writing, “WE WILL BE COUNTED.”

Reporter Ben Brachfeld wrote: “Big turnout in Boro Park, only place I’ve been with big line to get in. Many Orthodox voters are animated to turn out this cycle (mainly for Zeldin) by issues like hate crimes and, most notably, the fate of yeshiva education.”

Polls across Boro Park and New York State will be open until 8 p.m.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. Maybe these long lines portend gloom & destruction & good riddance for wicked hochul & needless to say for latitia james too, and then for all criminals, but portend relief & tranquility for President Donald trump שליט”א

  2. Ubber es hut goornisht geholfen!

    As any mildly intelligent yid could have predicted, Zeldin went down by more than 10 points. The frum blocs thought they’re oiber-chachomim and made a lot of noise about voting against Hochul, and now she’ll make sure the frum Jews in NY eat it in spades. She won’t step in to the fight with the NYS Board of Ed, and she won’t be prone to offering funding to any Orthodox groups, except of course those very few who endorsed her.

    They didn’t, mind you, endorse her because they thought she was the better candidate, they endorsed her because they expected her to WIN!

    Fools us all…

  3. Hochul almost lost. She won by less then 300k! Before taking any further steps against the interests of the Orthodox, she will think twice!

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