WATCH: Trump Calls for 2 Hour Trials for Drug Dealers and Sending Dealer’s Family the Bullet Used in Execution

(AP Photo/Chris Seward, File)

At a Monday night rally for Ohio Senate candidate J.D. Vance, former president and soon-to-be candidate Donald Trump called for drug dealers to be given a trial of approximately “two hours” before shooting them and then sending their families the bullet used to execute them.

Trump said he had a conversation with Chinese President Xi Jinping and asked him if China has a drug problem. Xi said they do not.

“I said, ‘How do you do that?’ I really sort of knew but didn’t want to… how do you do that? And he probably thought I was somewhat naive,” Trump said. “He goes, ‘We have quick trial.’ I said, ‘What’s a quick trial?’ I think I knew what that was too. They give them a quick trial, not a trial that takes 12 years and 12 years of appeals, 25 years later and everyone’s dead by the time they get to the end of… no, this is a trial that takes approximately two hours. And if they’re guilty they are executed and the bullet is sent to their families.”

The United States, Trump said, should follow in the ways of China in this respect.

Despite Trump’s fawning over China and Xi Jinping, the reality is that China has a major drug problem. According to the Brookings Institution, ‘China is the principal supplier of precursor chemicals for methamphetamine production in East Asia and Mexico.”

So much for those two hours trials.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

8 Responses

  1. & may President Donald Trump שליט”א our soon to be 47th President please apply this same rigor to all murderers, kidnappers, rapists, and many more

  2. Why does anyone listen to this eppes loony? Every four years we hear presidential candidates making empty promises they can’t deliver. Remember Congress? Oh, yeah, Presidents can’t pass legislation, there are three branches of government, remember? We don’t live in a dictatorship. Stop giving this demented maniac a platform.

  3. Where does Trump get the idea that trials should be limited to 2 hours? Is that the time limit he wants when he’s on trial?

  4. It almost sounds as good as his other idea of building a wall and getting Mexico to pay for it!
    Ooops! We shot the wrong drug dealer. Can I have the bullet back please?
    Isn’t it nice to have simple answers to difficult problems?

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