SHAMEFUL: Hochul Hangs Out with Notorious Anti-Israel Actor, is “Proud” to Have His Endorsement

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul on Monday trumpeted a get-together with notoriously anti-Israel actor Mark Ruffalo, posting a photo together with him and saying she is “proud” to have his endorsement, less than a day before Orthodox Jewish voters could potentially decide her electoral fate.

Ruffalo is an infamous anti-Israel activist. In 2020, he labeled Israel a “kind of apartheid” and then lamented being called an antisemite over the comment. A year later, Ruffalo accused Israel of “genocide.”

When a Twitter user pointed out that Palestinian terrorists use children as human shields, Ruffalo replied: “Do you honestly think these people, these fellow human beings, would use their own children as shields? Use your heart.”

Palestinian terrorist have, in fact, long been known to use children as human shields, and express willingness and even eagerness for their children to become “martyrs” for Palestine.

And just this past Friday, Ruffalo urged the United National to reject the adoption of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) definition of antisemitism, tweeting out a letter asserting that the definition is “instrumentalized to deter free speech and to shield the Israeli government from accountability for its actions.”

The IHRA definition of antisemitism states that “antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”

Apparently this was just too much for Ruffalo, and Kathy Hochul presumably endorses his stance.

SAFE CUNY, a group that advocates for Jews “systemically discriminated against and excluded by” the City University of New York, which has long been plagued with accusations of antisemitism, ripped into Hochul for meeting with Ruffalo.

“WOW @Kathy Hochul,” the group tweeted. “This is an OUTRAGEOUS insult and slap in the face of Jewish people across the state of New York in light of a series of antisemitis (sic) comments by @MarkRuffalo. SHAME ON YOU. The Jewish people of New York will not soon forget this.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

25 Responses

  1. Reiven, your comment is outrageous! Wholly inappropriate! Why don’t you just vote as you wish? Why malign a super Gadol b’Yisrael – even a Gaon – because you don’t agree or you don’t understand his position?

    Let me hypothesize!
    Perhaps the reason for his position is only a public declaration and in private the message has been disseminated to vote Zeldin for, in case, just in case, she does win, or even if she she doesn’t win, she and her ilk shouldn’t take their virulent antisemitism out on our people! Is this even a possibility? I think so.

  2. we are all voting for zeldin. this is how it should be, even though we all know that in the end hochul will for sure win

  3. Yaap.. actually he’s correct reb Yoel’s wad saved while millions died by the same Zionist that he threw stones at. Their statements are the same as his except they are Jews putting fellow Jews in dandelions position
    Can you deny that satmar is one of main financial supporter of nueter karta next to Iran and S A

  4. So for one guy you shouldn’t vote for her? So if this is the standard, then for certain, no Jew can vote for trump if he runs again. His core supporters are white supremacists and nazis. Does Kanye West y’s ring a bell?

  5. Hey rt, I read your stupid comment above. Read some real news so that you’ll know what’s really going on in the world. Read Newsmax or OAN.

  6. Maybe she is hanging out with someone anti-Israel because a major Jewish website decided to attack her.
    just maybe-just saying–maybe she is human–maybe she has feelings–
    If you don’t want to vote for her, that is your right.
    If you disagree with her, then please do it like a Mentsch, if not, then one day it might backfire big time.
    Just like you know how to get angry, other people also know how to get angry.
    Sorry, but the truth hurts.

  7. Rt, if you really belive that most frum Jews aren’t voting for her because of this one guy, then you are delusional. I guess it’s “democrat for life” for you, regardless of the candidate. So, please don’t make it about Trump.

  8. No Joke, We ar in Big Gullas , I suggest everybody go to the
    Tehillam and get out of Politics , Leave it for Hashem..
    and by the way for the Record , how come YWN so aginst Hokuul is it the anti
    Zionist stand or Jews ?? Dont see in YWN in general so
    anti -israel , or maybe she rejected a meeting with
    Rabbi Hoffmann ??????? (nisht geferlech)

  9. Ruffalo is right. I can show you on a map where they torture people in Yisroel. They even electrocute people on Shabbos. Hochul is right. We still need to flatten the curve. Satmar and New Skver are right. Vote for Hochul if you’re a voter. YWN should stop publishing images of Hochul. Men shouldn’t be looking at images of women. Skills at making an omelet are irrelevant in either Hollywood acting or political acting.

  10. to kollel faker

    Which Kollel id This
    In USA or israel Kollel KOOK ?
    wonder or Kollel is Fake as the whole man……………….if any

  11. r[e]t[ard]
    You don’t want anyone voting for loin because of 1 guy, Trump.
    Liberalism is an incurable disease.

  12. People need to calm down. This is getting more and more stupid and babyish. Everyone needs to vote for the candidate that seems to be the most suitable. That our leaders endorse any candidate is ridiculous. We are forgetting that we are in golus. YWN can simply list Hochul’s agenda and her ideology vs Zeldin’s and most frum Jews would for Zeldin as Hochul’s agenda is more anti-Torah than Zeldin’s.

    And we should leave it at that. There’s no reason to accumulate enemies like we are doing here and in other races.

  13. philosopher, no one is making enemies and there is nothing wrong with saying we don’t hold of Hochul or her policies and we should say it to her face.

    Jews should never be afraid and must stand up for our Torah values (of course with respect). We don’t compromise on our values and we should never be afraid to state how we hold. Money and success comes from the Ribono Shel Olam, not some politician pawn in Hashems world.

    Voting for her is a hillul Hashem, as Rabbi Blum said.

    This is main reason we should NOT vote for her is because we as frum Jews, DO NOT hold of her far left agenda policies, which are a physical threat (crime out of control) and spiritual threat (going against our Yeshiva system), to not only the way we live, but it is a threat to the world.
    If the first few parshiyot so far this year have taught anything, it is that Hashem has no tolerance for a uncivilized, unmoral, debased crime ridden toevah society.
    Everyone knows that the first responsibility of govt is to protect it’s citizens, that was her main job.
    She had her unelected chanced and failed miserably, and now it’s time to give her her pink slip and walk her out of Albany for good.
    It’s time to take back our State and civilization, that’s our job, and we do it by voting her OUT!

  14. Hakohen1, I never said we should vote for her. Chas v’sholom. Hochul is pro-pervert, pro criminal, pro child abuse. I said we should not endorse any politicians simply because we are in golus and should not be making so much noise. We should make noise protesting perverted laws and those trying to poke their nose into our children’s church but not endorse politicians.

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