HE’S COMING BACK: Donald Trump Set to Announce 2024 Run on Nov. 14

FILE - In this Jan. 9, 2020, file photo, President Donald Trump points as he arrives to speak at a campaign rally, in Toledo, Ohio. (AP Photo/ Jacquelyn Martin, File)

Former President Donald Trump is reportedly planning to announce his entry into the 2024 presidential race on November 14th, giving him a massive head-start against potential GOP rivals and making it more politically difficult for the federal Justice Department to prosecute him.

The November 14th announcement is expected to be followed by a multi-day series of political events featuring multiple Trump allies, including Senator Marco Rubio of Florida.

With Republicans expected to be propelled back into power in the House of Representatives and possibly the Senate on Election Day, Trump is likely to take credit for the GOP’s victories and use them to convince voters that he is the right man to lead the Republican Party in 2024 and beyond.

In a Thursday rally in Iowa, Trump said: In order to make our country successful and safe and glorious, I will very, very, very probably do it again… Get ready that’s all I’m telling you – very soon. Get ready.”

And, in preparation for his run, Trump is already attacking potential Republican challengers for the nomination, including one who is fighting for reelection in Tuesday’s midterms.

At a Saturday rally in Pennsylvania, Trump put up pictures of polls showing him with a large lead in the 2024 GOP primary race, and unveiled his first nickname for Ron DeSantis, who is expected to be his top challenger for the nomination – Ron De-“Sanctimonious.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

24 Responses

  1. The law clearly states that any person who is under criminal indictment can not be a President of the United States. He would have to stand trial and clear his name before he could hold office.

  2. Let the fun begin. At first, after the capitol hill riot, he practically had no chance. But after putting a useless moron in the white house, he does now. The dems can only blame themselves.

  3. We’ve repeatedly heard claims of Trump imminently declaring his candidacy before…

    If he does the Republicans will need to copy the Democrats and in exchange for some backroom deal have all candidates drop out right before super Tuesday other than the one they want to win. So it will be Trump against the Republicans best chance. Just like the Democrats made it Biden against Bernie and co on Super Tuesday.

  4. The law clearly states that any person who is under criminal indictment can not be a President of the United States.

    What a liar you are. Where do you get the chutzpah to just make up garbage like this? Do you aim to convince ignorant and gullible people of your lies? Or are you an ignorant and gullible person whom some liar took advantage of and fed you this garbage, and you never bothered to look it up before repeating it?

  5. I believe that Trump will be charged by the FBI, so what happens then?? Trump over?

    On the contrary, that would be the best thing for him, the biggest boost he could get. If he is charged there will probably be no challengers because the entire party will automatically stand behind him. The FBI has absolutely no credibility among Republicans. If the FBI says it’s sunny outside, Republicans immediately reach for their umbrellas.

  6. The editorializing headline writer and the other celebrants here need to stop shtupping Gemara for a few minutes and look around the Web to see what their hero has in store for America. For starters, freeing/pardoning all January 6 marauders and warning Jews to line up behind his version of “loving Israel” “before it’s too late.”

  7. Yay! De santis veep? (If he was zoche to nickname number one, he must have a special place in our dear Donald’s heart)
    And in 2028 we’ll have Ron/Haley, please!

  8. @Naftush-2: Read the damn text/tweet/truth in question instead of shtupping your head with MSNBC. What a joke. Seriously, go read it…
    And please watch your mouth regarding your disrespect to people who shtup their heads with Gemara. Please. Disgusting.

  9. Reb Shlomo: The only requirement to be president is to be an American citizen from birth and that you are 35 years old. Felons are perfectly free to run. If convicted of a federal offense, they could pardon themselves if elected. The Constitution clearly states there are no additional requirements.

    If public opinion feels that Trump’s prosecution and civil suit harassment is in fact political motivated, and itself is a travesty of justice, the Democrats “lawfare” campaign against Trump may seriously backfire.

  10. Reb Eliezer-

    I care. My 401(k) lost tens of thousands of Dollars in less than two years. The country and world is much less safe. Skyrocketing inflation and gas prices is hurting just about every working person in the world.

    He may only care about himself but what works for him is better for practically every living thing in this planet.

  11. Hi Yashar. Three points: first, I never, ever watch or read MSNBC. Second, you don’t understand sarcasm: Anyone who’s commenting here is by definition *not* shtupping Gemara. Third, about watching my mouth…. I don’t watch my mouth because it’s physiologically impossible, but I do keep the d-word out of my discourse. Please do the same.

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