Simcha Felder: DMV Mobile Outreach a Success

2008 07 22 002.jpgBoro Park, Brooklyn – Councilman Simcha Felder (D-Brooklyn), co-sponsor of the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Mobile Outreach event held today at United Community Services of Boro Park, paid a visit to the popular community event, where those who RSVP’d had an opportunity to apply for non-drivers IDs, renew drivers’ licenses and registration, or take the permit exam, all without leaving the neighborhood.

“I am thrilled to bring this program back to Boro Park and I look forward to holding additional Mobile Outreach events in the near future,” said Felder.  “Schlepping to downtown Brooklyn to take care of what should be simple matters at the DMV can become an all-day process, but by bringing the DMV to you, Mobile Outreach turns an otherwise excruciating experience into something a bit more familiar.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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