“DEVALUATION OF LIFE”: Rabbanim Urge Detroit Community to Reject Proposal 3

A group of prominent rabbanim have released a joint letter urging members of the Orthodox Jewish community in Detroit to vote against Proposal 3 on the midterm ballot, which would legalize abortions upon request.

The letter reads:

“To the Detroit Jewish Community,

“As Torah Jews, we believe that morality is governed by the Torah of Hashem. According to Torah law, aborting a fetus is only permitted in specific extraordinary circumstances. To legalize terminating the life of a fetus upon request, as detailed in Proposal 3 on the ballot in Michigan on Nov. 8th, 2022, represents a devaluation of human life and is something that is immoral & forbidden both for Jews and non-Jews alike according to our sacred Torah.

“Since the state of Michigan has given us an opportunity via the democratic process to
reject this proposal, it behooves us as Torah Jews to stand up for the sanctity of life
according to eternal Torah values and vote against it.

“If Proposal 3 is defeated that will pave the way for legislation less radical and more
consistent with the Torah perspective on the sanctity of life.

“We therefore urge everyone in the community to vote NO to Proposal 3.”

The letter was signed by numerous rabbanim, including Rabbi Avrohom Bleich, Rabbi Yosef Bromberg, Rabbi Avrohom Cohen, Rabbi Shmuel Irons, Rabbi Simcha Klein, Rabbi Ari Kostelitz, Rabbi Boruch Levin, Rabbi Yisroel M. Levin, Rabbi Tzvi Muller, Rabbi Elimelech Silberberg, Rabbi Eli Yelen, and Rabbi Yissochor Wolf.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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